I’m Glad I Got Off the Fence and Played Disco Elysium TFC

User Rating: 10 | Disco Elysium: The Final Cut PC

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, went from being a game I debated buying because I was fairly sure it wasn’t going to be my cup of tea, to a game that hooked me from the first, and ended up being one of my favorite games of all time.

I’ve never been one for ultra wordy games before this, and I’m glad my first experience with Disco Elysium was with The Final Cut. I may not have given the game the chance it deserved if it had been up to me to read through all of that text, unvoiced. Yet the voice work in TFC is as good as I’ve experienced in gaming, and the writing is even better, so I may have actually stuck with it, but the voice work made it all a pleasure to listen too (Something I often don’t do either in games where character dialogue is both written and voiced, often reading ahead and skipping through as fast as I can and still get what‘s being discussed. The quality of the voice acting in TFC made listening to every word a pleasure).

If you are on the fence about this game for some of the reasons I was, I hope after reading this you will give it a shot.

You may just find yourself playing one of your new all-time favorites.

Here are some other of my favorites, for reference:


Star Control 2

Dragons Dogma

Forza Motorsport 4

Below the Root

Ultima 5