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Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior 8/16/13

by Brian Albert on Aug 16, 2013 at 02:00 PM

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This weekend, the Game Informer crew is mostly finishing up shorter experiences like Gone Home, DuckTales: Remastered, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Unfortunately, this also marks the last full week for the 2013 summer interns. It was a great experience, and now it's time to go on home.

Jeff Cork: I am incredibly excited to play Gone Home this weekend. My family’s out of town for the next few days, and the timing couldn’t be better. Although, once I’m done exploring this make-believe house I may have the urge to do so in real life. Who is this handsome Jeff fellow, and what’s his deal? No drawer will be left unopened in my quest to solve the mystery…

Kyle Hilliard: I am splitting my time between Picross e2, Pikmin 3, and EarthBound, but I really want to throw Gone Home and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons into the mix too, because I never plan on beating a game ever again, apparently. I also admitted today in the office that I still haven’t finished the new season of Arrested Development, and I received much appropriate ridicule. It’s time to finish that up.

Jeff Marchiafava: This weekend I’ll be playing a ton of Diablo III. I’m amazed by the replayability of this game: Not only are there multiple difficulty levels and characters to try out, but most of the maps randomly generate, along with the all enemies and loot. I realize I’m about a year late to the party, but it’s still impressive regardless!

Kimberley Wallace: This weekend I’m going to try to play some shorter games. I just bought Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Charlie Murder, and DuckTales: Resmastered, so I have plenty to get through and keep me busy. I also finally finished Orange is the New Black, so there’s a void in my life. I’m going to try to find a show as addictive. Have a great weekend everyone!

Mike Futter: Before I fly off to the land of schnitzel and lederhosen, I'll be dipping into the purple waters of Saints Row IV. While I'm gone, I'm going to be playing some Dragon's Crown on my Vita, Luigi's Mansion and 999 on my 3DS, and racking up some sweet European Streetpasses.  

Matt Kato: To celebrate the start of the English Premier League, I'll probably play a fair amount of FIFA and PES this weekend. It should also serve as some brush-up time as the reviews for those two soccer franchises will be landing on my desk soon. 

Matt Akers: My roommate moved out last week and took her TV along with her, so it looks like it’ll be a Steam weekend. If I have time outside of finishing my last feature for GI, I’ll get started on Metro 2033 and will probably play some Civ 5. 

Liz Lanier: I have a long trip back to North Carolina ahead of me this weekend. During breaks from the 20-hour drive, I’ll likely start up Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Brian Albert: I'm a big fan of unorthodox games like Proteus and Dear Esther, so Gone Home is exactly what I've been after. I'm going to tell you that I'll play Brothers, which looks awesome, but I'll probably play more Dota 2 with my good friends. It's been fun, everyone!