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Weekend Warrior 07/15/11

by Annette Gonzalez on Jul 15, 2011 at 02:00 PM

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What are you playing this weekend? Read up on what the staff is up to then tell us your gaming plans in the comments section!

Reiner: My entire weekend (I'm talking 20-plus hours of it) are going to a game I'm reviewing. I can't reveal what the game is yet thanks to a pesky NDA, but I can say that we've been waiting for it for a long, long time. When I have any free time, I'm going to check out the Captain America game, and will also try to go see the final Harry Potter movie.

Kato: I have a really bad habit of video game multi-tasking. I almost always play two games at one time, usually of different genres. But when I finish one game, instead of concentrating all my efforts on the other game, I invariably start getting excited about starting up a different title instead of concentrating on the one I have left. In this case, I've finished L.A. Noire (except for a few, isolated DLC cases) and I'm playing Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. While I'm still excited to play Oblivion (I've started the game a few times but not finished it), my mind is starting to wander to all sorts of possibilities. Should I start up a new NCAA dynasty and import a real-life players file? What about downloading Bastion when it comes out? Well, like I said, I normally play more than one game at a time, so this is nothing new. However, invariably one of the games suffers (in this case it could be Oblivion) because the new game I take on has that "new game smell."

Tim: This weekend I’ll be leaping across the rooftops of San Marias as Cole in Infamous 2. I’m digging exploring the game’s big open world, combat, and the upgrade system. On top of that I hope to square more alien scum in EDF and maybe start Metroid: Fusion.

Phil: I’m hoping to finish up Monster Tale this weekend, although given how difficult the game has become in its second half, I may not reach that goal. Beyond that, I’m not sure what I’m playing this weekend. I may continue my replay of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, or I may try to muscle through the end of Duke Nukem Forever despite my strong distaste for it. Or maybe I’ll grab something random out of the vault! Who knows?

Annette: I'm continuing my journey through From Dust this weekend. Otherwise my lease is just about up on my apartment so there will be lots of packing in my future. Not fun.

I’m going to be doing a lot of driving this weekend, so I’m hoping that quietly chuckling along to podcasts counts as an interactive experience. I also plan on making time to continue my playthrough of Link’s Awakening. I recently realized that I’ve played every Zelda game, but have never finished any of them. I came close with Ocarina (twice, actually) but the water temple took my enthusiasm and held it underwater until it drowned. The point is that I’m loving Link’s Awakening, it is the only Zelda that I played when I was very young and my nostalgia overrides any and all ridiculously obscure puzzles. I can’t help but love a game that proudly proclaims “YOU’RE HAPPY!” when unearthing a treasure chest filled with rupees. Other than that, I would love to continue playing Puzzle Agent 2 or Radiant Historia… we’ll see how much free time I can scrape together.

That's it for us. What are you playing this weekend?