Play Episode One Of Hand-Drawn Horror ‘Scarlet Hollow’ For Free

Looking for a new spooky adventure this Halloween? Look no further than Scarlet Hollow, a hand-drawn horror which you can experience for free right now!

Credit: Black Tabby Games

Sporting incredible artwork from award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard, Scarlet Hollow is a game in which the choices you make have a deep and meaningful impact on the gameplay. Who lives and who dies depends on your decisions, with the “fate of an entire town resting on your shoulders.”

The episodic visual novel already boasts a score of “Very Positive” on Steam, and one look at the game’s story and art style should give you an inkling as to why.

The game’s official description teases the mysterious and unnerving set of circumstances you’ll find yourself in as you travel to Scarlet Hollow to uncover the secrets – and the truth – lurking just out of sight.

Credit: Black Tabby Games

“As your mind continues to reassert its existence in the waking world, the past few days come back into focus,” teases the game description. “The long-lost cousin, the bad news, the twenty-six hours of bus rides with countless late-night stops in seedy depots that felt unsafe even in the middle of the day.

“You wouldn’t normally find yourself traveling like this, but your cousin bought the tickets. The funeral of her mother, your aunt, seemed like something you shouldn’t ignore, even considering your own late mother’s rocky relationship with this side of the family.

“Fortunately, the end of your long journey is in sight. You’re almost in Scarlet Hollow.”

If that’s not tantalising enough, Scarlet Hollow is sure to whet your appetite if you’re in need of something spooky that isn’t just your average ghost or undead being.

Credit: Black Tabby Games

As the Kickstarter campaign explains: “Every monster and supernatural being in the game is an original Abby Howard design– you won’t find any predictable vampires or zombies here.”

Scarlet Hollow recently obliterated its Kickstarter goal, becoming fully funded in less than 24 hours. Even better, Episode One of the horror is available for you to play for free, and if you decided to back the project, you’ll be able to access a discount on further episodes.

If you’re looking for a truly terrifying experience this Halloween (and beyond!), check out Episode One of Scarlet Hollow for free on Steam here, or on

YouTube video

Featured Image Credit: Black Tabby Games