In a news cycle otherwise devoid of positivity when it comes to global affairs, it was supremely refreshing to read Michael Stott’s Global Insight “Coup attempts distract from Latin America’s democratic resilience” (Opinion, June 29).

As the fight for democracy faces its strongest opposition from China, Russia and beyond, the prospect of a western victory can sometimes feel far from certain. As a Canadian living in central Europe, I am only too aware of the internal shortcomings facing many EU member states when it comes to upholding democratic principles like the rule of law and media freedom. Given the weight of the test ahead of us, I couldn’t help but wonder after Stott’s story why the west is not shining a stronger spotlight on these stories?

These types of examples offer a fresh perspective on the benefits of fighting for a democratic system and break the idea that the west has a monopoly on democratic promotion.

Stacked with these examples I look forward to my next debate with my European colleagues.

Roger Hilton
Vienna, Austria

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