FSCS Investment protection checker

If you've got money to invest, there's never been such a range of investment ideas and products. 

If your financial advisor goes out of business, or the firm that provided your investment product fails, FSCS may be able to step in and pay compensation. But our protection varies depending on the type of product, and some investment products aren't protected at all. Also, there are limits to the amount we can compensate too.

So, click the 'Start' button to find out how safe your investment is. 

Do you have an investment?

To invest safely, consider the following steps:

  • To start, visit MoneyHelper to understand the types of investment available, and what to expect from them. Also, check out the information the FCA provides too.
  • If there's a type of investment that you're interested in, search the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) register to check if the investment provider or adviser you're considering is authorised. Only authorised providers are covered by FSCS if they fail.
  • Then ask your provider if the product you're thinking of investing in is FCSC protected. Use our list of investment questions to get the answers you need. They’ll help you find out if FSCS can protect your money and, if so, how much. This is an important part of any financial decision.


Considering financial advice about an investment covered by FSCS?

If you take advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing, we can protect you. If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because they were negligent in the advice they gave you, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000. The advice must have been given to you on or after 28 August 1988.

We can't accept any claims that are for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

We may be able to protect you if a provider goes out of business and there's a shortfall in the money or assets it's holding for you.

If you need general advice about any money matters, visit the Money and Pensions Service. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the ScamSmart site

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the FCA's Scamsmart website


Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Bitcoin cash

Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Certificates representing certain securities

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Collective investment schemes

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Contracts for difference (CFDs)

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Crowdfunding P2P lending

Possibly protected

The investment is not protected, but you might be able to claim against the advice, if you were given any

FSCS will not be able to protect you if your Crowdfunding/Peer-to-Peer (P2P) loan firm fails, or if the P2P borrower defaults on their loan. So you should think carefully before investing in such products, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong with the provider.


  • FSCS may be able to protect you if you received negligent advice to invest in Crowdfunding/P2P loans from a regulated adviser who's since failed.
  • You would also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances. This means we can't say for sure whether FSCS could protect you. But your adviser should be able to tell you more. 
  • Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay up to £85,000 per person, per firm.

We can't accept any claims that are for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up. 

To check if FSCS would cover an investment product, you need to:

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Crypto assets/cryptocurrency

Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Emissions allowances/auction products

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

EOS (crypto asset)

Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Ethereum (crypto asset)

Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Fixed interest securities

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Government bonds/securities

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Investment funds

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Life policies

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Open-ended Investment Companies (OEICs)

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Peer to Peer loans (P2P)

Possibly protected

The investment is not protected, but you might be able to claim against the advice, if you were given any

FSCS will not be able to protect you if your Peer-to-Peer (P2P) loan firm fails, or if the P2P borrower defaults on their loan. Think carefully before investing in such products, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong with the provider.


  • FSCS may be able to protect you if you received negligent advice to invest in P2P loans from a regulated adviser who was since failed. You would also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances. 
  • This means we can't say for sure whether FSCS could protect you.  But your adviser should be able to tell you more (see ‘To be certain’ below). 

We can't accept any claims that are for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up. 

To check if FSCS would cover an investment product, you need to

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Ripple (crypto asset)

Not protected

FSCS doesn’t protect this financial product

FSCS doesn’t protect this because it’s not a ‘specified investment’ under the UK regulatory regime - in other words, this type of investment isn't recognised as the sort of investment that we can protect. So, we won’t be able to protect you if the provider fails. You should think carefully before investing in such a product, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong.


Likewise, FSCS won’t be able to protect any advice that you received on this product, even if that advice was from an authorised adviser that has now failed.

To check if FSCS would cover any other investment products you may have, we'd suggest

Step 1

Check your provider is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).  

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Rolling spot forex contract

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Spread bets

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Tracker funds & Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Unit trusts

Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website

Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes (UCIS)

Possibly protected

The investment is not protected, but you might be able to claim against the advice

By definition, firms that provide UCISs are not regulated. So FSCS will not be able to protect you if the provider of your UCIS investment fails. 

Think carefully before investing in such products, as FSCS protection won’t be available if things go wrong with the provider.


  • FSCS may be able to protect you if you received negligent advice to invest in a UCIS from a regulated adviser who was since failed.  You would also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances. 
  • This means we can't say for sure whether FSCS could protect you.  But your adviser should be able to tell you more (see ‘To be certain’ below). 

We can't accept any claims that are for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up. 

To check if FSCS would cover an investment product, you need to:

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

Search the FCA register

Find your investment provider on the FCA's register.

Search the FCA's register

Ask these questions

Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

Download questions (pdf 1.0MB)

Visit the FCA's ScamSmart website

Be aware of investment scams - visit the ScamSmart website.

Visit the website


Possibly protected

You might be protected, depending on the circumstances

If you were dealing with a regulated firm, and your investment product meets the relevant regulatory definition, you may have some FSCS protection if the regulated firm fails. 

But this will depend on what regulated activity the firm was carrying out for you and whether any exceptions apply. You'd also need to meet our eligibility criteria, so protection will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

This means we can't say for sure whether your investment is or isn't FSCS protected. But your firm should be able to tell you more (see the box beow).

Where FSCS can protect you, we can pay compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per regulated firm.


  • If you took advice from an authorised financial adviser when investing in this type of product, FSCS may be able to protect you, if you're eligible.
  • If the adviser goes out of business and you lose money because of the negligent advice you received, we may be able to compensate you up to £85,000.

But we can't accept any claims for poor investment performance - the nature of investments means their value can go down as well as up.

To check this investment product's level of FSCS protection, we'd suggest you

Step 1

Step 2

Be aware that the particular activity that the authorised firm is carrying out for you must be regulated by the PRA or the FCA for FSCS protection to apply.

Step 3

Ask your firm to confirm that the activity it is carrying out for you is a regulated activity and under what circumstances you would be protected by FSCS if the firm failed.


If you need general guidance about any money matters, visit MoneyHelper. Its support and guidance are free.

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Ask your provider these questions to know how much of your investment is FSCS protected.

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