Grants Database

See all of our grants awarded since 2006 in a searchable and filterable database.

2022 grantmaking at a glance

We are committed to our mission of advancing equality and justice around the world. Over the years, our grantmaking has evolved to meet the challenges facing our society. Explore our full database of grants to get a deeper understanding of the organizations we fund and their incredible impact thus far.

Learn more about how we make grants.

1,797grants made


$715Mtotal funding

$250Kmedian grant

Featured grantmaking

Our social bond

Unprecedented times call for extraordinary solutions. As COVID-19 spread across the world, we saw an urgent need to support the organizations stepping up to meet the pandemic’s sweeping impacts. We issued a social bond—the first ever by a foundation on the United States taxable corporate bond market—to ensure nonprofits can carry on their important work to serve the world’s most vulnerable communities. It allowed us to double our grantmaking, resulting in a one-time allocation of up to $1 billion to strengthen and stabilize organizations during this critical time.

Read more about the social bond.

34Social Bond grants made in 2022

over$42MOf funding made available

​Understanding disability, advancing inclusion​

In 2016, we made a commitment to expand our definition of justice and ensure our grantmaking was more inclusive of the disability community. Around the globe, people with disabilities experience inequality in all its forms. By integrating the voices and leaders of the disability community, we believe we will create a future of opportunity for all.

Learn more about our journey to become more inclusive funders in Disability Demands Justice.

More than$92Mof our 2022 grantmaking intentionally included people with disabilities

Living our values

To address the issues of a complex—and increasingly diverse—world, we believe those individuals and institutions closest to the challenges are also the most capable of creating solutions. We make a concerted effort to support organizations led by women, people of color and the LGTBQ+ community as they drive lasting change for historically excluded communities.

54%of U.S. grants went to organizations led by people of color

58%of U.S. grants went to women-led organizations


2022 grantmaking by program

  • Civic Engagement and Government U.S.
    330 grants
    214 grants
  • Creativity and Free Expression U.S.
    289 grants
    1 grant
  • Disability Rights U.S.
    55 grants
    0 grants
  • Future of Work(ers) U.S.
    88 grants
    2 grants
  • Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice U.S.
    175 grants
    69 grants
  • Global Governance U.S.
    12 grants
    0 grants
  • Mission Investments U.S.
    31 grants
    1 grant
  • Natural Resources and Climate Change U.S.
    51 grants
    153 grants
  • Technology and Society U.S.
    132 grants
    13 grants

Some of the above program funding is not mutually exclusive.
The Ford Foundation makes grants beyond the above programs. See all grantmaking.