Halo fans have been asking 343 for an Infinite content roadmap for a while now, but now that one has finally arrived, there’s almost no one, even series optimists, that’s saying it looks like what the game needs. (See it larger here).

The main headline is that the roadmap reveals Halo Infinite’s second season is also going to be six months long, just like season 1, which is pretty much unheard of outside of rare instances in the live service space. For Halo Infinite’s first season to be six months already hurt its momentum somewhat, but for another six month season after that? No one believes the game will have the content needed to sustain it over such a stretched-out period.

Other news items in the roadmap for the May to November season that do not seem great:

  • We already knew that season 2 would bring us two new maps and three new modes, but we did not know that season would be six months, meaning that’s all Halo Infinite is getting in its entire first year of launch, far less than most older games.
  • We were previously told that campaign co-op would launch a little later in the season, again, assuming that season was three months. Now, campaign co-op is “targeted” for late August, four months after the season starts.
  • A Forge beta, which was previously said to be arriving with season 3, is allegedly starting in September. Though weirdly the Forge beta is also listed for season 3.
  • Campaign split-screen co-op is on deck for season 3 but has no ETA. If that season is also six months who knows, that could be spring 2023.
  • The one promising-sounding item in the whole battle pass is “new narrative events” listed for season 3, but it’s not clear what those are, and they may be time-limited. It does not sound like more Master Chief content for the campaign, for instance.

343 does give rationale for why this season is so long and sparsely populated:

[We have] a “priority zero” of team health and getting ourselves into a sustainable development rhythm so that we can deliver great experiences to all of you while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

We know we need to deliver more content and more features more quickly. Staying true to priority zero means that sometimes we need to slow down in order to stay healthy and move faster later. But we’re also aggressively looking at ways to accelerate.

While no one wants 343 to burn out through crunch, questions have been raised both about whether 343 is staffed up enough to produce the level of content Halo Infinite needs, and larger questions have been raised in the wake of this new roadmap reflecting on 343’s larger treatment of the Halo franchise since they took over, with various issues discussed about Halo 4, 5 and the MCC. This month, we learned Certain Affinity is developing an entirely separate mode for Halo Infinite, presumably a battle royale variant, while 343 stays trained on the main game. But that’s not listed anywhere here, and we do not know the timing.

Season 2 starts in May and I suspect it will not be long until players are complaining about a lack of content, given that it runs all the way until November. 343 really does have to get a handle on the live service aspect of the modern multiplayer shooter, as they’re just incredible far off track at the moment.

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