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[Acknowledged by Flickr Staff] Activity Feed.

Jane Statham says:

Is anyone else having a problem with their Activity Feed?

Mine got stuck yesterday evening and is now partially back, but not completely. I have asked for "Help," but would be interested if anyone else is having the same problem, as this is the 3rd time mine's stopped.

Flickr Staff Update 03/02

Our engineers are looking into a long-term solution so this doesn't keep happening. Sometimes, our Support Heroes are able to rebuild members' feeds, and it corrects the issue; other times, it is a deeper issue, which is what our engineers are trying to fix.

If you are having issues, please get in touch with our Support Heroes directly to see if they can rebuild your feed here
Posted at 1:14AM, 5 December 2023 PDT ( permalink | reply )
R L Catlow (staff) edited this topic 5 months ago.

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(501 to 600 of 507 replies in [Acknowledged by Flickr Staff] Activity Feed.)
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Feldore says:

Still not working properly months after this issue was first raised. Some kind of update on what’s being done to fix it would be appreciated.
Posted 3 weeks ago. ( permalink | reply )

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katlamsib says:

"People" page of Activity feed only shows three hours activity now.
Flickr staff should do something to make their gimmick bearable.
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink | reply )

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emrold says:

My activity feed is broken (again) tonight. Only seeing a few hours of uploads from my contacts.
Posted 2 weeks ago. ( permalink | reply )

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Feldore says:

Can we get an update on what’s happening with this? I’ve had to delete a picture three times today because there was virtually no activity.
Posted 8 days ago. ( permalink | reply )

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John Frattura says:


I’ve had to delete a picture three times today because there was virtually no activity.
As long as the image was visible in your photostream, then you really didn't *have* to delete it. There's no reason that activity has to be immediate, is there? It's not like you're up against a deadline to get views comments and faves.
Posted 8 days ago. ( permalink | reply )

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Feldore says:

John Frattura:

Like you, I've been a member since 2010. I know what's a normal level of activity and what isn't. This isn't normal, and it's been acknowledged that there's an issue. If people don't see your pictures there isn't much point in being here.
Posted 8 days ago. ( permalink | reply )

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bulbocode909 says:

In recent days, activities have been declining...
Views are not increasing.....
And this morning the site is slow???
Posted 8 days ago. ( permalink | reply )

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(501 to 600 of 507 replies in [Acknowledged by Flickr Staff] Activity Feed.)
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