Meta announces Human Rights Defender Fund and Journalist Safety Initiative for Asia Pacific

November 18, 2021

Today we are proud to announce that Meta is launching a Human Rights Defender Fund and Journalist Safety Initiative for Asia Pacific. This is part of the commitment we made to protect human rights defenders and our ongoing support for journalists through our Meta Journalism Project initiatives.
The Human Rights Defender Fund and Journalist Safety Initiative is made possible by partnerships with Civil Rights Defenders and International Center for Journalists.
The Human Rights Defender Fund and Journalist Safety Initiative is designed to support individuals who are targets of harassment, persecution and/or prosecution because of their activities in support of human rights. That includes members of vulnerable groups advocating for their rights, such as professional and citizen journalists, non-violent political activists, and any member of the public who raises a human rights concern.
The fund will help pay for new devices and security technologies, temporary relocation, and emergency legal and safety assistance. It will also be used to provide mental health support to human rights defenders and journalists, and to enable the development of peer-to-peer support programs and a network of practitioners and mental health institutions in the region that will provide support as-needed. The fund will be distributed over a two-year period and managed independently beginning today with Civil Rights Defenders.
“Threats against human rights defenders are increasing globally. It is important that all relevant stakeholders engage in protecting and expanding human rights,” said Marcin de Kaminski, Director of Security and Innovation at Civil Rights Defenders. “Emergency support, such as provided through our Emergency Fund, is fundamental for keeping human rights defenders safe so they can continue their work.”
At Meta, we have also committed to expanding our protection for journalists in Asia Pacific who are often at risk because of their occupation. This includes the support of a new online learning program with the International Center for Journalists and online safety resources specifically for journalists who are at risk. This program will be available in early 2022.
"Digital security is paramount for journalists today,” said Luis Botello, ICFJ’s Deputy Vice President of New Initiatives and Impact. “Many of the reporters in our network face cyberattacks that can not only silence their reporting but also put them, their sources and their loved ones at risk. This e-learning program will equip them with skills to fight back, at a time when it is urgently needed.”
Our support for journalists also includes programs such as the Reuters Digital Journalism Foundations course and the Facebook Fundamentals for News that include training on staying safe across social media and on our platforms. Recently we also announced our partnership with the Rory Peck Trust to help freelance journalists globally.
We have recently updated our content policies to provide additional protections for human rights defenders and journalists against harmful content. We continue to build on our existing work to protect defenders’ accounts, which include combating malicious actors who are targeting them, protecting them from incorrect content removals, offering advanced security options, taking steps to thwart unauthorized access to the accounts of defenders who are arrested or detained, and will continue to partner with human rights organizations on outreach and training.
We have expanded access to additional safety protections via Journalist Registration on Facebook to journalists in India, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. We will be expanding the program to more countries in the region. We also recently expanded our Facebook Protect program which helps secure people who might be at a higher risk of being targeted online.
The announcements we’re making today are one step in a continuing effort to protect the safety of human rights defenders and journalists who use our products, and to mitigate the heightened risks they face. Look for more information from our partners on how to access these funds and attend programs in the coming weeks.
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