Conscious Evolution  Collage(European Time)

Conscious Evolution Collage(European Time)

In this collaborative and creative workshop, participants team up to find realistic pathways toward a better future for all.

Select date and time

Thursday, October 10 · 12:30 - 3:30am PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 1 day before event

About this event

What is the Conscious Evolution Collage?

The Conscious Evolution Collage is a collaborative and creative game designed to help you understand and address the complex sustainability challenges of the 21st century. Through this workshop based on New World Together transdisciplinary research findings, you will access breakthrough knowledge and innovative ways of thinking, that can empower and enlighten you.

During the game, you will work as a team with different sets of cards containing key information about the global sustainability challenges, their hidden root causes, and their solutions. Your mission is to use your individual and collective intelligence to connect the dots and organize the cards to have a clear picture that allows you to:

  • Adopt a systemic approach: Break the silos to grasp the interrelated challenges of sustainability as a whole together with their fundamental causes.
  • Deepen your understanding: Recognize unsustainable behavior patterns, their past origins, their root causes, and how they are perpetuated below our level of awareness.
  • Find a pathway: Discover what we need to nurture and change in order to find a pathway toward the “better world our hearts know is possible”.

Workshop's program (3h):

  • Icebreaker, introduction, and team-building to set the tone for a safe and collaborative space (15m)
  • Realization of the Collage + discussions and theoretical contributions (1h'45)
  • Expressing feelings and emotions + creative phase to come up with your own tangible solutions(1h)

Who is this for?

This workshop is for anyone who wishes to better understand the global sustainability challenges of our time and how they can contribute to the solution. It is also for those who want to connect with like-minded individuals and positive changemakers.


"A very powerful and very well facilitated Fresk, that allows us to recreate connection around a theme that provides a lot of meaning. I strongly recommend it."
Mehdi A.

"The Conscious Evolution Collage did a lot of good to me. It gave me ideas, hope (even if I am not a big fan of that word), and the desire to do a lot of good stuff full of meaning."
Laura D.

"The workshop allowed me to evolve at a time in which I needed it badly. Thank you to Benjamin and to all of those who are finally waking up. I have waited for this moment for all my life."
Nicolas D.

"I found Benjamin's workshop profound and covered a lot of ground. I strongly recommend it to explore the metacrisis and what our species needs to do."
Ash G.

"It was an eye-opening experience. I got so much out of this Fresk."
Rebecca C.

About New World Together:

New World Together is a dynamic, constantly evolving platform devoted to accelerating a global sustainable transition through interdisciplinary research and education. Our mission emphasizes empowering individuals, businesses, and organizations by providing breakthrough knowledge and mind-expanding realizations that foster new ways of thinking and promote behavioral changes toward a sustainable, inclusive, and thriving world.

Blending expertise from a vast array of disciplines, we develop human-centered, comprehensive solutions to uncover and tackle the root causes of unsustainability. We continually engage in pioneering research to enhance our understanding and generate new insights and innovative solutions to catalyze a much-needed sustainable transformation.

Our educational offerings, such as conferences, training programs, workshops, and counseling are designed to provide you with the necessary resources and knowledge to contribute effectively to the solution.

About the facilitator:

Benjamin Casteillo is the founder of New World Together. In 2017, Benjamin Casteillo decided to leave behind a successful corporate career as a senior manager and expert consultant, to focus on finding solutions to uncover and treat the hidden root causes of unsustainability. What followed was an intense and insightful journey of consciousness awakening and expansion that led to many realizations. Since then, Benjamin has dedicated himself to his mission: to share groundbreaking knowledge and profound insights that help expand human consciousness and catalyze change toward desirable and sustainable futures for all.

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€7 – €30