The New Era of Targeted Mobile Advertising

The New Era of Targeted Mobile Advertising

This event is presented in partnership with ACA, CMDC and DAAC.

Date and time

Thursday, March 11, 2021 · 10 - 11:30am PST



About this event

**Registration through Eventbrite is now closed but you can still register directly through Zoom**

Apple’s iOS 14 is set to be released this spring, bringing about the depreciation of the IDFA, the introduction of its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) privacy framework and the SKAdNetwork. Google recently announced similar changes.

What does this all mean for the advertising industry? How does this impact targeting, measurement, attribution and ad fraud detection, and are there new opportunities to be had? Experts predict that user opt-in rates for tracking will be no more than 20%, and that’s being optimistic. Like it or not, we are entering into a new era of targeted mobile advertising.

This session will address the changes being proposed mainly by Apple and how they will impact advertisers, media and ad tech. It will include an industry panel of experts from all areas of the advertising ecosystem to focus on industry solutions and mitigation tactics. Marketers, media agencies and ad tech executives should attend this session to understand their options for future targeting activities, as well as learn what effects this may have on their measurement, attribution, and privacy management programs.


1:00 p.m.

Introduction by Shannon Lewis, President, CMDC

1:10 p.m.

Apple and IDFA: What’s Coming and What’s Next?

Keynote Address by Ian Meyers, Head of Addressability Product, LiveRamp

1:40 p.m.

Industry Panel

Moderator: Belinda Smith, CEO, m/SIX


Ian Hewetson, VP, Loblaw Media

Caroline Moul, President, PHD

Mike Sherman, Director of Media and Data Optimization, L’Oréal Canada

2:10 p.m.


Note: Agenda subject to change

Organized by

The Canadian Media Directors’ Council (CMDC) is an association that plays a proactive role in the media communications industry as advocates, leaders and advisors, to ensure a fair and progressive marketplace on behalf of their clients, their agencies and their media partners. They operate as a collective, influential voice, promoting the advertising sector as a driver of growth. It is essential that they share their voice in the significant decisions that will directly affect the industry. Learn more -

The Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) is Canada’s go-to organization for client marketers, helping their members maximize their MarCom and brand ROI. ACA is exclusive to marketers. ACA is unrelenting in their defense of marketers’ rights to commercial free speech and their demand for a transparent and accountable media marketplace. Learn more -

The Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC) is a not-for-profit consortium of seven marketing and advertising trade associations, and is responsible for administering the AdChoices self-regulatory program for interest-based advertising, and a political advertising transparency program (, in Canada. Learn more -

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