Cine Design 2024

Cine Design 2024

Cine Design is a program of open-air screening of documentaries on the history of design, architecture and their major figures.

Select date and time

Thursday, August 22 · 7:30 - 9pm CEST


Design Museum Brussels

1 Belgiëplein 1020 Brussel Belgium

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

FR – Cette été, le Design Museum Brussels vous invite à nouveau à son Cine Design !

Cette édition se fera l’écho de notre exposition temporaire Olivetti · Folon. D’une part, le documentaire Folon vous propose un portrait intimiste et sensible de l’artiste belge Jean-Michel Folon, auteur du célèbre « bonhomme ». Prospettiva Olivetti et Paradigma Olivetti explorent quant à eux la singularité et la créativité de l’entreprise italienne de design, célèbre notamment pour ses machines à écrire, à calculer et ses ordinateurs.

Programme :

  • 09.07 – 19h30 : Prospettiva Olivetti
  • 22.08 – 19h30 : Folon
  • 27.08 – 19h30 : Paradigma Olivetti


NL - Deze zomer nodigt het Design Museum Brussel je opnieuw uit voor zijn Cine Design!

Deze editie sluit aan bij onze tijdelijke tentoonstelling Olivetti · Folon. De documentaire Folon biedt enerzijds een intiem en gevoelig portret van de Belgische kunstenaar Jean-Michel Folon, auteur van de beroemde “bonhomme”. Anderzijds onderzoeken Prospettiva Olivetti en Paradigma Olivetti de eigenheid en creativiteit van het Italiaanse designbedrijf, dat vooral bekend is om zijn typemachines, rekenmachines en computers.

Programma :

  • 09.07 – 19u30: Prospettiva Olivetti
  • 22.08 – 19u30: Folon
  • 27.08 - 19u30: Paradigma Olivetti


EN - This summer, the Design Museum Brussels once again invites you to its Cine Design!

This edition echoes our temporary exhibition Olivetti · Folon. On one hand, the documentary Folon offers an intimate and sensitive portrait of Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon, author of the famous “bonhomme”. On the other, Prospettiva Olivetti and Paradigma Olivetti explore the singularity and creativity of the Italian design company, famous in particular for its typewriters, calculators and computers.

Program :

  • 07.09 - 7:30 pm: Prospettiva Olivetti
  • 22.08 - 7:30 pm: Folon
  • 27.08 - 7:30 pm: Paradigma Olivetti


More information :

Design Museum Brussels

Place de Belgique 1 Belgiëplein - 1020 Brusssels / 02 669 49 29

Organized by

The Design Museum Brussels is a space dedicated to design and its history. With the Plastic Design Collection, it offers its visitors an original reflection on plastic design from the 1950s until today. Continuously enriched with a program of temporary exhibitions, the museum also explores other fields of design and its impact on society and our everyday life. Through these exhibitions, but also guided tours, workshops, conferences and events, the Design Museum Brussels seeks to render design intelligible and accessible to all.