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Blimey, Pillars of Eternity 2 is coming to Nintendo Switch

The ranger games just gets wider.

Sprawling role-playing sequel Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, which looks every bit a Sure Thing, has not only been confirmed for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, it's been confirmed for Nintendo Switch.

Red Cerberus will handle the console conversions, not Paradox Arctic which did the Pillars of Eternity 1 PS4 and Xbox One ports. [This article previously and erroneously stated Paradox Arctic would handle the conversions.]

Those Pillars 1 ports were perfectly playable but the loading screen waits mounted up after a while. Nevertheless, they're technical hurdles I'm sure can be overcome, and if the Switch version works fluidly enough, it could be an ideal platform for a long, winding, adventure. You could play while on the toilet, for example, or while pretending to be asleep in bed.

Chris and I visited Obsidian late last summer. Here's Chris trotting merrily around the office while I film him. I am a man of many talents you know.Watch on YouTube

"Paradox Arctic did an incredible job when they brought Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Frankly, they created a better console game than we thought possible, and proved to everyone that Pillars of Eternity not only makes a great PC game, but a great console game as well," said Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart in a statement passed on to Eurogamer.

"Now with Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, and with our publishing partner, Versus Evil, we are not only bringing Pillars of Eternity back to the PS4 and Xbox One, but also to the Nintendo Switch. Bringing the Pillars brand to new and exciting platforms like the Switch is something that hits the Obsidian team's inner child, since most of us have been playing on Nintendo hardware as far back as the 8-bit days. We simply can't wait to see what our console fans think of Deadfire when it comes out."

The console versions of Pillars 2 will follow later in the year. The flagship PC, Linux and Mac version of the game will be out 3rd April.

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