The EIT Community

EIT Climate-KIC was founded in 2010 and works to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Their purpose is to identify and support innovation that helps society mitigate and adapt to climate change. They are Europe’s largest public-private partnership with this purpose
– a growing pan – European community of diverse organisations united by a commitment to direct the power of creativity and human ingenuity at the climate change challenge.


Working to accelerate the transition
to a zero-carbon economy

EIT Digital

EIT Digital aims at global impact through European innovation fuelled by entrepreneurial talent and digital technology. EIT Digital strengthens Europe’s position in the digital world by delivering breakthrough digital innovations to the market and breeding entrepreneurial talent for economic growth and improved quality of life. EIT Digital helps business and entrepreneurs to be at the frontier of digital innovation by providing them with technology, talent, and growth support.


Driving Europe’s digital transformation

EIT Food

EIT Food is a pan-European consortium that focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. Its vision is to put Europe at the centre of a global revolution in food innovation and production, and its value in society.
EIT Food will engage consumers in the change process, improve nutrition and make the food system more resource-efficient, secure, transparent and trusted.


Leading a global revolution in food innovation and production

EIT HealthEIT Health is a network of best-in-class health innovators backed by the EU.
They deliver solutions to enable European citizens to live longer, healthier lives by promoting innovation. EIT Health connects the right people and the right topics across European borders, so that innovation can happen at the intersection of research, education and business – for the benefit of citizens.


Giving EU citizens greater opportunities
to enjoy a healthy life

EIT Inno Energy

EIT InnoEnergy was founded in 2009 with a focus on sustainable energy.
EIT InnoEnergy‘s mission is to build a sustainable, long-lasting operational framework among the three actors of the knowledge triangle in the energy sector, and ensure that the integration of the three is more efficient and has a higher impact on innovation (talent, technology, companies) than the three standing alone. Its objective is to become the leading engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable energy.


Achieving a sustainable energy future
for Europe

EIT manufacturing

EIT Manufacturing’s mission is to bring European manufacturing actors together in innovation ecosystems that add unique value to European products, processes, services – and inspire the creation of globally competitive and sustainable manufacturing. EIT Manufacturing will establish an innovation community and build a network of ecosystems where people will acquire skills and encounter opportunities; and where innovators are able to attract investors and acquire venture capital.


Leading manufacturing innovation
is made by Europe

EIT Raw Meterials

EIT RawMaterials is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide.
Its vision is to develop raw materials into a major strength for Europe. Its mission is to enable sustainable competitiveness of the European minerals, metals and materials sector along the value chain by driving innovation, education and entrepreneurship.


Developing raw materials into a major
strength for Europe

EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility for more liveable urban spaces. It aims to become the largest European initiative for transforming urban mobility. EIT Urban Mobility engages people, connects communities, accelerates market opportunities and re-imagines public spaces: an innovation community to educate and inspire mobility solutions
for 21st-century cities.


Mobility for more liveable urban spaces

EIT Food

EIT Food is a pan-European consortium that focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. Its vision is to put Europe at the centre of a global revolution in food innovation and production, and its value in society. EIT Food will engage consumers in the change process, improve nutrition and make the food system more resource-efficient, secure, transparent and trusted.


For more information, visit the EIT website

EIT Main office