Regional Innovation Scheme

Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS)

The EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) is the EIT Community’s outreach scheme, introduced in 2014 to make information and expertise from our unique approach available to others. It allows EIT Urban Mobility to share good practice and experiences and to widen participation across Europe.

EIT RIS vision & mission

The RIS programme has been designed to help boost the innovation in urban mobility within those countries and regions classified as emerging or moderate innovators according to the European Innovation Scoreboard.

The map below provides an overview of the RIS Countries.

RIS - Regiona Innovation Scheme

*EIT Urban Mobility has an Innovation Hub in Spain and in Czech Republic. Therefore, no EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hubs will be established in these countries.

EIT Urban Mobility established in 2020 7 RIS Hubs in the countries of Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Serbia and Slovenia. One year later, in 2021, we successfully expanded the RIS coverage with 5 new hubs located in Croatia, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia and Turkiye. The above RIS Hub consortiums provide good scope of the knowledge triangle and excellent networking to the innovation ecosystem and to the local cities in all the countries.

The EIT Urban Mobility RIS programme is addressing countries with more than 300 million inhabitants.


In its mission to eliminate the major barriers preventing emerging or moderate innovators from improving their innovation performance, EIT's RIS programme pursues a two-fold assignment:

  • Too share good practices and experience emerging from the EIT Community's activities, as well as to expand participation in KIC activities;
  • To help disseminate the knowledge and know-how of the EIT Community and widen participation in the KIC's across Europe.


For achieving its goals, EIT UM RIS activities focus on:


Increase of the visibility of EIT Urban Mobility activities and introduction of innovative solutions in the RIS countries

Capacity building

Education of professionals and entrepreneurs, use of cooperation opportunities in education, also as a tool to remove barriers of European network building

Changing the mindset increasing citizen engagement

Strengthening local knowledge triangle integration, encouragement of the experiment with new tools and technologies


Ensuring know-how and technology transfer as two-way interaction to share the good practice of the experienced members of the Innovation Community and young start-ups and innovators regardless of regions


Providing an opportunity for
local initiatives, start-ups, talents,
pilots, adaptations, and products
from the RIS to appear at European level

New solutions

Introducing the special needs of the RIS regions to the innovation community, to jointly find new solutions