Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub North brings together key stakeholders in urban mobility from a large geographical area of ten countries around the Baltic Sea Rim and further North: Denmark, Germany (North), Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,  Norway, and Iceland.

Our office is located in the heart of Copenhagen (Denmark), in the dynamic co-working community BLOXHUB that brings together innovators, start-ups, and researchers to co-create solutions for sustainable cities.

Together with our partners from top cities, universities, and companies we develop innovative solutions, and test them in our partner cities of Helsinki, Stockholm, Tallinn, Copenhagen and Hamburg. We are determined to grow our partnership network and are open to new partners from relevant industries and businesses, municipalities, non-governmental organisations and knowledge institutions. We aim to maintain a balanced representation of partners in key sectors with impact on urban mobility including Mobility as a Service, First and Last mile transport, city logistics, autonomous vehicles, sustainable and integrated transport, electrification, and accessibility.

Is your organisation interested in developing solutions on urban mobility or has an idea or challenge for cities? Or are you a start-up or an SME somewhere in the urban mobility value chain.

Then reach out and we are happy to schedule a meeting with you.

What do we do at IH North?

Innovation Hub North supports key players in urban mobility in our geography to become a part of our community through different types of partnership. We keep our partners engaged in our activities and provide support with the innovation projects and setting up their early business.

We provide advice on research, education, innovation, executing project management, including planning and administration of research and innovation projects, and consultancy services within urban mobility. We organise events and provide networking opportunities for both our partners and potential partners to create more liveable urban spaces.

Innovation Hub North is committed to making a difference, challenging the status quo, finding innovative solutions, and delivering on objectives to our partners, EIT Urban Mobility and wider EIT community. We are an innovative and dynamic company with strong values and responsibility to our partners, employees, communities, and nature.
You can count on a motivated lean team experienced in Innovation, Business Creation, Partner engagement and communication. We have colleagues across Europe to ensure that we cover all thematic and geographic areas of EIT Urban mobility. We are interested to work together and re-imagine public spaces to create more liveable cities.

Contact point of the IH North

Innovation Hub North

c/o BLOX, Bryghuspladsen 8, 3
1473 Copenhagen K, Denmark