Our hubs

Our Innovation Hubs throughout Europe

EIT Urban Mobility has five Innovation Hubs across Europe, its headquarters are in Barcelona, Spain. Our partnership will grow in the coming years. The map below shows the current composition of the different Innovation Hubs, which are formed along geographical corridors. We encourage institutions and cities from other countries to join this European initiative for transforming urban mobility. If you are interested or would like to explore this, please get in touch by completing the contact form on the  ‘Contact us’ page here.

For more information regarding a specific Innovation Hub,
click on the Innovation Hub of your interest below and more details will be provided.

Innovation Hub South – Barcelona

France (South), Greece,  Spain, Portugal
• Barcelona

Highly innovative and unique partner composition, committed to a holistic approach encompassing research, education and business

Email address: south@eiturbanmobility.eu

More information about this Hub

Innovation Hub East – Prague

Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia
• Tel Aviv

Reshaping individual mobility and improving quality of life

Email address: east@eiturbanmobility.eu

More information about this Hub

Innovation Hub North – Copenhagen

Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Iceland

• Copenhagen • Hamburg • Helsinki • Stockholm

Connected and green transport

Email address: north@eiturbanmobility.eu

More information about this Hub

Innovation Hub West – Amsterdam

Benelux, UK, Ireland, France (North)
• Amsterdam • Eindhoven • Amsterdam

culture, efficient public transit, canals for water transport, car-free zones,
ride-sharing options, innovation, integrated ticketing, green initiatives, and
forward-thinking policies

Email address: west@eiturbanmobility.eu

More information about this Hub

Innovation Hub Central – Munich

Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Austria
• Istanbul • Milan • Munich

Existing ecosystem and living labs for innovative mobility solutions. Focus on problems of large and congested cities

Email address: central@eiturbanmobility.eu

More information about this Hub