EIT Urban Mobility Master School



FAQ - When applying

Who can apply for the EIT Urban Mobility Master Programmes?

Both EU and non-EU nationals are welcome to apply to our programmes.

Where can I apply?

You apply through our application portal. You will find a link on our website.

When can I apply?

We usually have two application periods.

Period 1 (Nov-February)

Period 2 (February- April)

What is the difference between Period 1 and Period 2?

We recommend non-EU nationals who need longer time to process their student visa/residence permit to apply in period 1.  Period 2 is aimed mostly at EU students who do not need to apply for a residence permit.

Please be advised that you can only apply once per year, meaning in either period 1 or 2 but not both.

How many programmes can I apply to?

You can only apply to one programme per year, meaning either in period 1 or 2 but not both.

How many programmes are available this year?

You can find all our MSc programmes here.


Who chooses what universities I can apply to?

You do, you rank your first, second and third preference for entry and exit universities depending on the programme you choose in our application portal.

Can I apply to study both years at the same university?

No, since mobility is an essential part of your master’s education at EIT Urban Mobility. Studying at two different universities in two different countries is mandatory.

Can I apply if I am in the last year of my studies?

Students in their final year of undergraduate education may apply and if qualified, receive a conditional offer. If you have not completed your studies at the moment of application, please include a written statement from the degree administration office (or equivalent department of your university), confirming that you are enrolled in the final year of your education and giving your expected completion date. Please note that you need to have passed a minimum of 120 ECTS and be enrolled at your university at the moment of application in order to be considered.

If you receive a conditional offer, you should present your final degree certificate to your entry university before enrollment at the latest.

What documents do I need to upload while applying in the portal?

Please upload the original signed and stamped versions of your degree/certificate and transcript of records. If this is not possible, colour photocopies of your degree certificate, transcript of records and statements should be stamped and signed by the degree administrations office (or equivalent department) of the issuing institution, or by a Notary Public.

Applications that are not supported by official documents will not be processed. Statements made by professors or the heads of departments are not accepted.

Do I need to send in hard copies of my documents via post?

You do not need to send hard copies of your documents at the time of application, unless you conducted your bachelor’s degree in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Canada, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, or USA.

If so, an official transcript of records must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from the issuing university to our address below.

Degrees awarded in Pakistan need to be attested by a stamp of the Higher Education Commission in Pakistan. Colour copies of the degrees are accepted but they must bear the original HEC stamp and not a copy of the stamp. The verified documents must be sent in an envelope sealed by HEC to:

KTH Admissions Office
Att: EIT Urban Mobility Master School Office
Brinelllvägen 8
SE-100 44 Stockholm

Can I translate the documents by myself?

No. A translation of official documents (Transcripts and Degree certificate) must be made by a licensed translator.

Is there a specific format for the CV?

No. There is no specific format for the CV.

Is there a specific format for the motivation letter?

There is no specific format for the motivation letter but please use a maximum of two pages to present your entrepreneurial idea and your personal interest in joining our master’s programmes.

My professor would like to send the recommendation letter directly to the Admissions Office. Is this possible?

Yes. Your supervisor or professor may send the recommendation letter directly to masterschool@eiturbanmobility.eu and we will make sure to include it in your file.

I have almost all my required documents ready. Can I submit an incomplete application and provide missing documents later?

You cannot submit an incomplete application. The application and all required documents have to be completed and submitted by the application deadline.

If I applied last year but was not admitted, will it affect my chances in the current application round?

The fact that you had already applied previously will have no direct effect on your chances of being admitted this time.

Who selects the students for the EIT Urban Mobility Master School?

The application and selection process is coordinated from Sweden by KTH Admissions Office and the EIT Urban Mobility Master School Office.

Selection Committees for each programme evaluate and rank your application.

What are the selection criteria?

Applications are ranked based on a total evaluation of the following criteria:

  • Suitability of acquired bachelor degree for intended study programme
  • Academic excellence (quality and recognition of home university, study success)
  • Entrepreneurial and innovative potential (motivation letter)

When and how will I know if I have been accepted to the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and if I have been granted a participation fee waiver?

The Master School Office will contact you via email to provide the result of the admissions process. Please see the deadlines here.

What kind of degree will I receive after completing the programme?

Graduating students will be awarded two officially recognized Master of Science degrees, one from the entry university and one from the exit university. Please visit the programme pages for more detailed information.

Where can I find the course list offered at each university?

Course lists for each programme and university are published on our Partner University websites. Please follow the links on our detailed programme pages.

FAQ - Once admitted

What happens once I am admitted?

You will receive your study offer from the Master School Office which will include your letter of acceptance and a decision on your possible scholarship.

  • You then have one week to accept or decline your study offer.
  • If you accept the offer, you will receive an official Letter of Admission from your entry university with information about how to apply for a student visa/residence permit, important dates, accommodation and enrolment. You are expected to arrive in time and commence the studies according to their instructions.
  • You will have to pay your participation fees within the deadline to secure your study offer.
  • Please notice that, from the moment you are admitted, your university will contact you to complete the formalities for enrolment and might request additional documents from you.

Where do I get information about applying for my student visa?

You will receive information regarding how to apply for a student visa from your entry university.

Will my entry/ exit university or the Master School Office provide accommodation for me?

You will receive further information about accommodation and the housing situation from your entry and exit university together with your local letter of admission. Some universities offer accommodation and/or assistance in finding a place. However, finding suitable accommodation is your own responsibility.  

Can I change or defer the study offer?

  • We do not defer admission offers, but you are welcome to apply again next year.
  • There is no possibility to change from one programme to another or change your entry university
  • A leave of study can be granted on rare occasions, please contact the Master School Office.

Where can I find information about the participation fees?

Your participation fees depend on whether you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country or not. You can find the current participation fees here.

Participation fees are due per semester. You will receive four participation fee invoices during your two-year master’s programme. Invoices are sent in Spring and Fall each year.

When do I know if I was awarded a scholarship?

You will receive the decision about your possible scholarship together with the admission decision from EIT Urban Mobility.

Are there any travel allowances?

Travel within Europe to the Kick-Off, Summer School and Graduation is usually covered by EIT Urban Mobility and centrally organized. Any other travel is to be organized and paid for, by the students on their own.

Where can I find information about living costs?

The living costs depend on the country or city you are living in and your personal lifestyle. Your entry or exit university can give you more information about the costs to be expected.

Do universities charge any additional local fees?

Usually, partner universities do not charge any additional fees. At some universities though you might need to cover operating costs such as visa support, compulsory local insurance, student union fees or the issue of a degree certificate. Here are some of such fees that were reported to us by partner universities*:

AALTO:  A mandatory healthcare fee (as of spring 2021) and the Student Union fee (approximately 33€)
:  Guarantee fee for visa support, introduction activities on campus, etc. (partially refundable). For more information, please refer to Guarantee fee (tue.nl)

Please check with your Entry/Exit university regarding any additional fees.

*Last updated February 2021

Am I covered by any insurance during my studies?

All students in the EIT Urban Mobility Master School are covered by a group insurance through Kammarkollegiet, a Swedish public authority. The insurance is a medical emergency insurance which also covers theft of property. Please contact the Master School Office for more information.

Where can I find information about the Summer Schools?

Information about the Summer Schools, which take place between your entry and exit year, will be provided by the Master School office via email in due time. Information on our previous Summer School is available here

Where can I find information about work permits after graduation?

If and how you can apply for a work permit depends on the country you have studied in. Please contact the relevant authorities in your exit country.

For any further questions please contact us: masterschool@eiturbanmobility.eu