
EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal

Taking your mobility
startup to the next level

Applications closed!

Would you like to get notified about EIT Urban Mobility call openings and other opportunities for startups and SMEs?

Be part of the EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal
and take your mobility startup to the next level!

ScaleTHENGlobal is a EU-funded programme with pan-European dimension implemented through EIT Urban Mobility partners. We are looking for the most promising urban mobility startups with innovative solutions to tackle city challenges.

ScaleTHENGlobal supports startups in scaling up their business in Europe, driving growth and going international. It also supports startups from outside Europe willing to expand their business in the European ecosystem related to urban mobility.

The selected startups will get promoted on the Impact Ventures webpage and through other EIT Urban Mobility communication channels.

Up to € 50.000 of additional funding (per applicant) will be offered to the 3 best pilot projects. European startups will have to demonstrate their suitability to perform a pilot with one of the EIT Urban Mobility collaborating cities.

ScaleTHENGlobal also offers access to EIT Urban Mobility Impact Ventures investment initiatives and funding instruments.


Applications closed!

Would you like to get notified about EIT Urban Mobility call openings and other opportunities for startups and SMEs?

Selected startups receive ��

Up to € 50.000 for the 3
best pilot
 projects with collaborating cities

€ 25.000 worth of services for each selected startup

Access to high-level
networking and EIT Urban
Mobility events

Programme & partners

The EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal programme for 2021 includes:

  • The selection of 20 mature urban mobility startups that will constitute the pool of ScaleTHENGlobal participants.
  • € 25.000 worth of support services provided by programme partners.
  • An internal selection process will be offered to the best 3 European startups to receive up to € 50.000 to perform a pilot with a partner city.
  • Participants will have access to the EIT Urban Mobility network and cities' innovation projects.
  • Access to external events such as the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC21) and the ITS World Congress 2021 in Hamburg.
  • For global outreach, the programme will organise trips for ScaleTHENGlobal members looking to expand their activities beyond Europe (Power4Global).
  • Five non-European startups will have a dedicated internationalisation package (Welcome2Europe).

Who should apply?

Eligibility criteria
To participate in the EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal programme, you need to fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • Startups should have generated no more than € 1 million revenue (accumulated over startup lifetime)
  • No more than 50% of your shares are held outside the eligible countries (no detailed cap table needed)
  • A team with at least 2 FTE (not a single founder): minimum 1 team member pursuing the startup fulltime (not necessarily connected to monetary compensation)
  • Founders and employees (e.g. ESOP) should still own at least 50% of shares
  • Startup total funding received should be less than € 10 million
  • A clear, scalable business idea
  • Duly justified, minimum TRL 3, preferably TRL 7 – 9
  • Startup must be incorporated in the EU or in one of the EIT Urban Mobility participating countries (the registration certificate will be required to participate in the programme)
  • Minimum € 1 billion addressable market
  • FIT with EIT UM City Club Challenges:
    1. Shift to active modes of transport (walking & cycling)
    2. Avoid negative health, safety and environment impacts of urban mobility
    3. Improve urban logistics with a focus on last-mile distribution
    4. Improve public transport service provision
    5. Improve the quality of public space
    6. Improve traffic flow management (incl. ITS)
    7. Avoid transition barriers
  • Startup has not previously benefited from the EIT Urban Mobility Scale-up Hub programme.
  • Applicants will be asked to elaborate on their potential to do proof of concepts/pilot projects related to the City Club Challenges 
  • Applicants will be asked to elaborate on how they will contribute to the ScaleTHENGlobal programme

Take your mobility startup to the next level and
benefit from the ScaleTHENGlobal programme!

The Application Process:
The 4 Steps to your successful future!


A panel of qualified evaluators will review your application


The preselected startups
will perform a pitch in
front of a jury


20 selected startups
will be notified

Other Calls within ScaleTHENGlobal


What is Power4Global?

ScaleTHENGlobal Power4Global promotes global outreach by organising high level events for mature urban mobility startups to connect and expand internationally. Only the 15 selected startups for the ScaleTHENGlobal BP2021 programme are eligible for this call.

Our offer:

  • Four online events with US business experts to facilitate opportunities for market entry.
  • Access to the top mobility event of the year: the Reuters Mobility Summit (booth, competition, on-stage visibility, networking opportunities with US partners and cities).

Call opening:
20 July 2021

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 15 August 2021


What is Welcome2Europe?

Welcome2Europe welcomes non-European urban mobility startups to take part in ScaleTHENGlobal. We will support international startup companies targeting Europe, giving them the opportunity to be introduced to investors and local hub partners.

The activities will foster engagement between startups, SMEs, original equipment manufacturers, suppliers, potential investors, and public administrations.

ScaleTHENGlobal Welcome2Europe promotes global outreach to mature urban mobility startups from outside Europe by organising high level events to connect and expand internationally. Our offer:

  • Participation in networking events with key stakeholders (startups, SMEs, original equipment manufacturers, suppliers, potential investors, and public administrations).
  • Participation in workshops and mentoring sessions with international experts.
  • Access to the EIT Urban Mobility network and ecosystem.

Call opening: 20 July 2021

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 30 August 2021

Up to €50.000 for the 3
best pilot
 projects with collaborating cities

€25.000 worth of services for each selected startup

Access to high-level
networking and EIT Urban
Mobility events

Participation in major
European city events

(Barcelona, Hamburg, and Prague)

in training/mentoring
and bootcamp
before the Ready2Scale

Joining the Demo Day, with the
participation of
stakeholders, investors, and city

Opportunity to take part in
internationalisation activities
such as showcasing at a major
international event

Visibility through the European
urban mobility startups map

Invitation and free access to
two first-rate City Club
speed dating events

Would you like to get involved in the EIT Urban Mobility programme and support it as a mentor or jury member?
Become an EIT Urban Mobility Mentor or Jury member now

Process & Contact

For any questions or more information regarding the possibility to cooperate, please send an email to

Do you want to be part of the
EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal programme?

Applications closed!

Would you like to get notified about EIT Urban Mobility call openings and other opportunities for startups and SMEs?


asked questions

Which different steps does the application process consist of?

The four steps of the application process are described here

How do I apply to the ScaleTHENGlobal programme?

Click here.
You will get redirected to the application platform of EIT Urban Mobility.

You will need to register and validate your account if it is your first time accessing the platform. If you have already created an account, you will need to log in.

Once logged in it is as easy as starting a new application and selecting the program.
During your application you will have to fill in all the compulsory fields.

You can save and edit your application until the deadline. Make sure to submit your application before the call is closed.

Who can I contact in case of questions?

If you have questions related to the ScaleTHENGlobal Programme and the application process please contact:

Do you need more information about EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hubs or would you like to get involved as a partner? Please contact:

I have a question regarding your application platform. Who do I contact for troubleshooting?

Please make sure to provide all required information during your application, including the one related to your profile and the profile of the startup.

For any technical questions or processes regarding the EIT Urban Mobility application platform please use the chat function or contact

Am I eligible for the EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal programme and what are the criteria for the selection of startups??

To participate in the EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal programme you need to fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • Startups should have generated no more than € 1 million revenue (accumulated over startup lifetime)
  • No more than 50% of your shares are held outside the eligible countries (no detailed cap table needed)
  • A team with at least 2 FTE (not a single founder): minimum 1 team member pursuing the startup fulltime (not necessarily connected to monetary compensation)
  • Founders and employees (e.g. ESOP) should still own at least 50% of shares
  • Startup total funding received should be less than € 10 million
  • A clear, scalable business idea
  • Duly justified, minimum TRL 3, preferably TRL 7 – 9
  • Startup must be incorporated in the EU or in one of the EIT Urban Mobility participating countries (the registration certificate will be required to participate in the programme)
  • Minimum € 1 billion addressable market
  • FIT with EIT UM City Club Challenges:
    1. Shift to active modes of transport (walking & cycling)
    2. Avoid negative health, safety and environment impacts of urban mobility
    3. Improve urban logistics with a focus on last-mile distribution
    4. Improve public transport service provision
    5. Improve the quality of public space
    6. Improve traffic flow management (incl. ITS)
    7. Avoid transition barriers
  • Startup has not previously benefited from the EIT Urban Mobility Scale-up Hub programme.
  • Applicants will be asked to elaborate on their potential to do proof of concepts/pilot projects related to the City Club Challenges 
  • Applicants will be asked to elaborate on how they will contribute to the ScaleTHENGlobal programme

Please note that we will only consider submitted applications that are complete and include all required fields.

*According to TRL definition in Horizon 2020,

Where can I find the guide for startups on the EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal eligibility and selection process?

You can find the guide for startups on the EIT Urban Mobility ScaleTHENGlobal eligibility and selection process here and on the EIT Urban Mobility application platform.

If we are not allowed to travel and to participate in face to face events due to the current COVID-19 situation, how is the programme structured to solve this?

ScaleTHENGlobal will run adaptative programmes to minimise impact of European restrictions due to COVID-19 to selected startups. Programmes will include digital offerings, virtual workshops, networking events… that can be joined via video-calls and networking tools. Programme management will plan the programme and curriculum accordingly based on the published and applicable local and international policies and guidelines.