Inclusive Mobility (Better Mobility Accelerator)

What will you get?

● A strong international accelerator programme, corporates and investors network
Direct access to “living labs”, cities and corporates to test your solution
Business coaching, mentoring, and trainings from inclusivity and mobility experts
● Financial support for travel expenses
● Access to EIT Urban Mobility investment initiatives and funding instruments

Why join?

Has your startup found the perfect solution to make mobility more inclusive for all? Are you ready to test your solution and scale up your company in cities across Europe? Then let’s make inclusivity your competitive advantage!

The Better Mobility Accelerator (BMA) is an international six-month accelerator programme for startups which are ready to test and scale up internationally and access a unique network of international mobility, innovation and inclusivity experts across Europe.

You will get one-to-one business coaching, mentoring, and workshops. The programme offers match-making with partners and potential customers to test your solution and facilitates an introduction to test and demonstration labs around Europe.

The main focus is the challenge area “Mobility for all” and therefore the improvement of physical and  geographical accessibility for a wide range of target groups, currently often underserved and non-involved passengers as well as vulnerable travellers. The program follows an holistic approach and catalyses innovation and collaboration along sustainable and inclusive  mobility. Fields of application can be e.g. Public Realm, Intermodality, Active Mobility, Future Mobility and Workspace.

Your solution aims to create:

  • Accessibility – providing access for all target groups
  • Safety – improving safety for all
  • Sustainability – securing green mobility for all
  • Affordability – ensuring effective and affordable mobility for all

You are providing mobility solutions for underserved target groups as:

  • People with disabilities
  • Youth
  • Elderly
  • Women
  • Families
  • Socioeconomically or culturally disadvantaged
  • Non-native speakers
  • People living in remote areas

Apply now for this six-month online programme and take your chance to get real product-market fit and enter international markets faster!

Sherry Fei Ju
Founder and CEO of Artificient Mobility Intelligence
"We have been having one-on-one conversations with partners, and with some of them we are already talking about having pilot projects together. That doesn't happen every day, in every accelerator."
Hannes Etzelstorfer
Co-founder cyclebee
"What I like most about BMA is the chance to validate our idea with international partners and customers."
Lotte Kristoferitsch
Founder and CEO of EOOS NEXT
"The Better Mobility Accelerator is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people across Europe, to connect, to network, and meet new peers."
Llogari Casas Cambra
Founder and CEO of 3finery
"The accelerator is very interesting because it allows you to put into practice things that you want to bring to market and be able to make contacts in person."
Solomia Boretska
Founder and CEO of LendoCare
"We have benefited from the Better Mobility Accelerator through the network and the people who have really helped to inspire and support us in our growth."
Albert Loma Fernández
Co-founder of White Jacket
"We joined BMA to test our product and to see where it leads us and now we have a lot more insights on our project and what are the next steps for us."

Eligibility criteria

  • Scalable solution related to inclusive and sustainable mobility (see solution scope and target groups described above under “Why join?").
  • Startups should have received less than 1m EUR revenue (accumulated over startup lifetime).
  • No more than max. 5% of your shares are held outside of the eligible countries (no detailed cap table needed).
  • Startups must be incorporated in EU or EIT Urban Mobility participating countries. The registration certificate will be required to participate in the program.
  • Incorporation date posterior to 31/12/2013.
  • A team with at least 2 FTE (NOT a single founder): minimum 1 team member pursuing the startup full time (not necessarily connected to monetary compensation).
  • Founders and employees (e.g. ESOP) should still own more than 70% of shares.
  • A clear, scalable business idea. Duly justified TRL 4 – 7 (to TRL definition in Horizon Europe – Work Programme 2021-2022 General Annexes B – Eligibility (page 10): wp-13-general-annexes_horizon-2021-2022_en.pdf
  • Bonus for your evaluation: Level of diversity in founders team (e.g. women founders, cultural diversity and inclusion)

Further details about the eligibility criteria and award criteria can be found at the Guide for Applicants.

Important moments

1 February – 19 April 2024

Open call for applications

29 February 2024

Info webinar #1: 11:00am – 12:00pm (CET) Register here

6 March 2024

Info webinar #2: 4:00pm – 5:00pm (CET) Register here

4 April 2024

Info webinar #3: 3.30pm – 4.30pm (CET) Register here

20 April – 3 May 2024

Evaluation and selection of startups (1st and 2nd phase)

10 May 2024

Communication of shortlisted startups – invitation to live pitches (3rd phase)

14 May 2024

Live online pitches (3rd phase)

16 May 2024

Communication of final results – selected startups for the programme

3-7 June 2024

Kick-off in Vienna (in-person) including Impact Days 2024 participation

June – December 2024

Acceleration programme

9 – 11 September 2024

In-person module in Lisbon

5 December 2024

Demo Day


Impact Hub Vienna

Since 2010, Impact Hub Vienna is home for innovators & has served as a launchpad for numerous impact initiatives & enterprises across Europe. Over a decade its community grew to over 1,000 active members & more than 500 impact startups were supported in over 40 incubation, acceleration & investment programs.


Based in Portugal, Productized is operating with the vision that best business ideas need well thought out & designed products to flourish. Productized fosters a business culture focused on creating products, offering innovative programs & professional services to organisations that aim to flourish in this cultural change within their teams.


POINT& is a mobility platform that moves everyone. We support mobility providers, private & public organisations to design & implement inclusive mobility services for multiple target groups such as women, families & people with disabilities. Thus better & more human-centred services & products being created & full potential enabled.

Selected startups from our batches


asked questions

Which different stages does the call consist of?

The four steps of the application process are described here Accelerator programme – EIT Urban Mobility

How do I apply to the Accelerator programme?

Click here.
You will get redirected to the application platform of EIT Urban Mobility.

You will need to register and validate your account if this is your first time accessing the platform. If you have already created an account, you will need to log in.

Once logged in

1.Start a new application;

2.Select Chapter EIT UM – Impact Venures;

3.Select  the accelerator you want to apply to;

4.Follow the application formulaire.

During your application you will have to fill in all compulsory fields.

You can save and edit your application until the deadline. Make sure to submit your application before the call is closed.

Which type of acceleration services does the Better Mobility Accelerator provide?

If you are selected for the Better Mobility Accelerator programme you will receive:

  • A strong international accelerator programme, corporates and investors network
  • Direct access to “living labs”, cities and corporates to test your solution
  • Business coaching, mentoring, and trainings from inclusivity and mobility experts
  • Financial support for travel expenses
  • Access to EIT Urban Mobility investment initiatives and funding instruments

Which countries are “Eligible”?

Start-ups incorporated in EU27 or EU associated countries are eligible. This includes the following eligible countries:

European Union member states (EU27): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Horizon Europe associated countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Morocco, United Kingdom.

Who will pay for the transportation expenses when attending the meetings in person?

Each participating startup will receive a travel grant of €2.500 per trip to cover travel expenses.

Do we need a patent to participate?

No, just a novel scalable solution.

Who should apply?

Innovative European mobility start-ups with the vision to create inclusive mobility solutions, who already have a product/service on the market, or at least a prototype they can test with first customers or partners.

This program is a great opportunity for you if…

…your solution aims to create:

  • Accessibility – providing access for all target groups
  • Safety – improving safety for all
  • Sustainability – securing green mobility for all
  • Affordability – ensuring effective and affordable mobility for all

…you are providing mobility solutions for underserved target groups as:

  • disabled people
  • youth
  • elderly
  • women
  • families
  • socioeconomically or culturally disadvantaged
  • non-native speaker
  • people living in remote areas

…you are motivated to make inclusivity your advantage.


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