Accelerator Programme – COVID -19 – Special

Special COVID-19

This special one-time programme ran between Sep – Nov 2020 and will not have further call openings.

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EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator programme – Special COVID-19 supports startups with innovative ideas in the mobility sector that additionally tackle the various challenges posed by COVID-19 to cities and urban areas.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic caused completely new and unforeseen challenges for urban mobility: from health-security issues in urban environments over increasing work from home to changing commuting and travel patterns.
  • The “EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator programme SPECIAL: COVID-19” is an EU-funded initiative to enable 23 startups and scaleups that develop products and services targeting these urban mobility challenges.

Selected startups receive

in equity-free funding

3 months
unique program

3 month of free
office space

Direct access
to EIT UM ecosystem


Applications for the Accelerator programme
SPECIAL COVID-19 are closed.
Accelerator batch#3 applications will open
in early 2021.  Check our communication channels
and follow us to stay updated.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any questions about the Accelerator Programme Special COVID-19?
Please contact us via email:

Do you need more information about EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator Programmes
or would you like to get involved? You can reach to us here.