City Club

Defining challenges and sharing best practices

Putting urban mobility solutions into practice

City Club is a platform for cities for collaborating, sharing best practice, upscaling ideas and putting them to work. Every year the club produces a list of key challenges facing cities, which can then be tackled by innovation projects and fed into our innovation, education and business creation programmes. Our cities act as test beds for pilots and living labs to enhance innovation in urban mobility. The club also serves as a sounding board for citizens and a means of outreach.

City Club — a vehicle for putting urban mobility solutions into practice


  • Solutions are urgently needed
  • Cities are able to identify challenges for the future of urban mobility
  • Cities are not merely test beds but our core business


  • City Club is a collaborative venture in which cities will play many roles — posing challenges and as customers, regulators and investors
  • Focus on putting urban mobility solutions into practice
  • Dealing with topics such as sustainable technology, mobility behaviour, organisation and policy


  • Using a flexible approach based on problem solving
  • Open network for collaborating, sharing experiences and scaling up solutions and putting them into practice


  • EIT Urban Mobility member cities
  • Cities across the globe
  • Cooperation with existing networks such as Polis, EUROCITIES, C40 and EIP-SCC

City Club members

City Club Chairpersons 2023-2024

Chair of City Club: Mrs. Melanie Grötsch (City of Munich) 
Deputy Chair of City Club: Mr. Pedro Moreira (City of Braga)

Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)

City of Barcelona

City of Braga

City of Helsinki

Metropole du Grand Paris

City of Mechelen

Municipality of Ricany

City of Madrid

City of Milan

City of Munich

City of Riga

Brest Métropole

City of Vitoria Gasteiz

Istanbul Metropolitan
Municipality (IMM)

Toulouse Metropole

Ville et Eurométropole 
de Strasbourg

City of Augsburg

City of Lindau

City of Klanjec

City of Samobor

Municipality of Ajka

Municipality of Dugopolje

Dublin City Council

City of Verona

Municipality of Modena

Roma Servizi Mobilita

Gemeente Groningen

Kongsberg Municipality

Lisbon Metropolitan Area

District 6 of Bucharest Municipality

Authority for Transport in Malta

Ayuntamiento De Esplugues
 De Llobregat

Cartagena City Council

Vic Municipality

EGO Transport Authority
(City of Ankara)

Konya Metropolitan Municipality

Municipality of Kadikoy

Municipality of Lecce


Municipality of Heraklion


Hands-on approach enabling access to new, tailored solutions

Focus on local solution deployment

Innovation partnerships with industry

Cities as active contributors, who co-develop solutions and blueprints

Encouraging investment in the technologies of tomorrow

Facilitating access to data

Gaining critical mass

Conducting pre-commercial procurement activities together

Continuously adjusting the city level playing field

Citizen — provide opportunities for training, engagement and co-creation and promote behavioural change

Boost start-up and knowledge systems and accelerate markets for innovation
