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Mobility Master School

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MSc Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions

Why study Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions at the EIT Urban Mobility Master School?

The world’s cities are changing. New technologies, business models, and global sustainability goals are transforming our cities and how we move. Today’s urban planners and transport engineers face an array of challenges and are needed to take advantage of such transformations to help create urban environments that consume fewer resources, contribute less to climate change, and support more liveable and healthy neighbourhoods. Addressing such challenges requires embracing complexity and competence beyond the traditional urban planning and civil engineering disciplines, including entrepreneurial skills to steer innovations into practice. The Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions programme provides such experience, preparing students to become the next urban innovators and leaders in urban mobility.

How is the programme structured?

All programmes at the EIT Urban Mobility Master School have a unique study path:

  • Students study one year each at two different universities, the “entry” university and the “exit” university. All options are located at a leading university in Europe in the field of urban mobility.
  • Graduating students will be awarded two officially recognised Master of Science degrees, from each of the two universities. Moreover, the programme is designed so that students may attain the qualifications for a certificate awarded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
  • During the first-year studies, students will be introduced to Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and participate in an extended Challenge Project. During the same year, students will acquire essential technical skills for working with urban mobility challenges.
  • Between the first and second year, students will participate in a Summer School applying new skills to two different cities within Europe.
  • In the second year, students will choose from several more specialised courses in both technical content as well as innovation and entrepreneurship. Students will also participate in a shorter challenge project that includes an internship at a company or organisation working to meet urban mobility challenges. To complete their degree, in the second year, students will carry out an independent master thesis, combining and demonstrating their full set of technical and entrepreneurial skills.
  • You will have a wide range of career opportunities, within the public and private sector, as well as have the know-how to start your own business or conduct rigorous research.

Click here to discover more about our Kick-off events and Summer School! 

Who can apply?

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions programme welcomes students with an array of backgrounds and experiences. The programme is ideal for students with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Information Science, Computer Science, Statistics, Geoinformation Technology, Urban Planning, Geography, and/or Economics. Additional disciplines are welcome, provided students have a solid foundation in quantitative approaches to solving problems and verifiable experience in programming, calculus, linear algebra, and mathematical statistics.

Where can I study Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions?

Students may apply to start and end the programme at the six universities below. Students must attend a different university for Year 1 and Year 2. The available universities for the Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions programme are:

  • Aalto University – Espoo, Finland
  • Eindhoven University of Technology – Eindhoven, Netherlands (exit only)
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Stockholm, Sweden
  • Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) – Barcelona, Spain
  • University of Tartu – Tartu, Estonia (exit only)
  • University of Lisbon-Técnico. IST – Lisbon, Portugal

When selecting your Entry and Exit University, careful planning is vital. We urge all applicants to thoroughly study the course lists offered by each partner university. By carefully examining the courses available, you can ensure alignment with your academic skills and interests, career aspirations, and personal goals. Your choice lays the foundation for your academic success and influences your learning experience in the programme. Whilst your application is evaluated in line with your university preferences, some applicants may be assigned to alternative universities that better fit the profile of the application.

What are the career opportunities?

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions programme is aimed to educate, inspire, and unite future leaders in the Urban Mobility Sector. The skills learned in this programme are in high demand in cities, transport authorities, research institutes and industries across Europe and worldwide. As a graduate, you will be an adaptable team player with a diverse set of analytical skills and theoretical knowledge in the field of urban mobility.

Which diploma will I receive after graduation?

Aalto University: Students will receive a Master of Science (Technology) (EN) / Diplomi-insinööri (FI) / Diplomingenjör (SE) degree upon graduation. They will receive an official diploma both in English and in one of the national languages, Finnish or Swedish, according to their choice (two official diplomas). The name of the master’s programme (Master’s Programme in Urban Mobility) and the major (Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions) will also be printed on the diploma.

Eindhoven University of Technology: The TU/e master’s programme leads to a “Master of Science” degree. Students receive an official diploma both in English and in Dutch. The name of the Master’s programme (Architecture, Building and Planning) and the track (Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions) will also be printed on the diploma.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Students will receive a master's degree in Transport, Mobility and Innovation/Teknologie masterexamen inom huvudområdet samhällsbyggnad (examensinriktning transport, mobilitet och innovation) upon gradation.

Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC): Students will receive an official diploma upon successfully completing the “Máster Universitario en Movilidad Urbana/Master in Urban Mobility por la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya Especialidad en Innovación y Emprendimiento / Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. The major obtained (Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions) will be specified in the Supplement to the Diploma as an itinerary. The diploma will include translation to three languages: Catalan, Spanish, and English.

University of Tartu: Students will receive a Master of Science in Engineering (Computer Science) degree. The diploma will be in Estonian and English.

University of Lisbon-Técnico.IST: Students will receive a Master of Science in Transport System.

Programme Lead:

Prof. Soora Rasouli 

Department of Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology

Soora Rasouli is a Full Professor in the Department of the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).  Her work focus is on developing models on citizens’ travel behavior, interaction of demand and supply with special attention paid to the recent advances in transport technology including EV, autonomous driving and Mobility as a service. Her work includes systematic uncertainty analysis of complex behavioral model, developing decision making under uncertainty and the next generation of travel demand forecasting: Information based models.

For Full Faculty Bio

Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions

120 ECTS

2 years, full-time

Hold a Bachelor of Science in… More Information.

Tuition fees & scholarships
For EU and non-EU citizens. More Information.

Language of instruction
English. More Information.

Partner universities
Aalto University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
University of Tartu
University of Lisbon-Técnico.IST

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