EIT Urban Mobility Master School events

Kick-off event

Every autumn, at the beginning of the academic year, the Master School Office organizes a pan-European Kick-Off event to bring all newly admitted students together. All participating students from both master’s programmes travel to one of the partner universities’ location –the host university changes every year– to meet and attend a riveting Kick-Off.

In full swing with mobility challenges, the programme focuses on Innovation & Entrepreneurship and consists of various keynotes, conferences, networking and pitching sessions. Students are also offered on-site visits to relevant industries in the area.

This annual event is a major opportunity for students to meet their peers and mingle while attending multiple social activities. A Gala Dinner at a carefully chosen special venue rounds up the event, usually ending up in dancing and cheering for the new cohort!

Barcelona, Spain, 2021

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona Tech) hosted the event in 2021. The students participated in insightful panels by CARNET (Future Mobility Research Hub) and CASA SEAT. Besides, as the previous 2020 Kick-Off event was held online due to the pandemic, the Master School offered the 2020 cohort to join the event in Barcelona to experience the Kick-Off again on-site. It resulted in a lively, cheerful meeting between all the students, with even more opportunities to meet and build their network. The more, the merrier!

Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2022

In 2022, it was the turn of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) to welcome our new students. Building on the previous year’s successes, the Master School brought together both the newly enrolled and the graduating cohorts at the Kick-Off event, as the latter coincided in time and place with the Graduation. Once again, the students appreciated the multiple chances to mingle and network. Among the event’s highlights were the visits to Lightyear, the producer of an all-solar-electric car, and Capgemini Engineering, a renowned company focusing on business & IT solutions.

Stockholm, Sweden, 2023

In 2023, the Kick-Off event took place on the KTH campus in Stockholm. To find innovative solutions to real-world urban challenges, the students participated in city site visits in three developing urban and commuting areas and attended both an inspiring keynote about entrepreneurship and an engaging presentation about Einride, a pioneer in digital, electric and autonomous shipping. Once again, the Graduation Ceremony occurred at the same place and time, creating invaluable opportunities for students and graduates to connect, network and share experiences with their peers.

Summer School

When studying with the EIT Urban Mobility Master School, the students also participate in a two-week Summer School between the first and the second year of the programmes. Our Summer Schools are a two-week intensive course taking place in two different cities in Europe. Students travel by train and switch to a new city halfway through the course.

So far, our students could choose between two different Summer Schools focused on different topics. Both are built around a full agenda of lectures, visits, business case projects, and thematic social events.

Take a glimpse on how it looked like!

Future Green Mobility
Rennes, France & Milan, Italy

Remaking the Streets
Munich, Germany & Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Summer Schools 2024  

In 2024, EIT Urban Mobility offers two Summer Schools. Students and external participants can check all the info below:

1. Inclusive Mobility Summer School – in Ghent (Belgium) and Rennes (France), between 23 June and 6 July.
More info: Inclusive Mobility Summer School – EIT Urban Mobility

2. Remaking the Street Summer School – in Munich (Germany) and Rotterdam (Netherlands), between 21 July and 3 August.
More info: Remaking the Street Summer School – EIT Urban Mobility

External participants can also attend:

3. Resilient Cities – in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Ljubljana (Slovenia), between 8 and 19 July.
More info: The Resilient Cities Summer School – EIT Urban Mobility


October 16, 2022, was a special day for the EIT Urban Mobility Master School. Our very first cohort had completed the programme and was finally graduating! The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) welcomed our graduates and helped to create a unique atmosphere of celebration. Our students received the EIT Label certificate that ties together the double degree with the Innovation & Entrepreneurship studies, and joined the newly established EIT Urban Mobility Alumni foundation.

The amazing Gala Dinner took place at Domusdela – a redeveloped former Mariënhage monastery complex dating back to 1419.