EIT Urban Mobility
Education Capacity Building

We develop education activities to raise awareness of, and provide essential skills in, the area of urban mobility, innovation and entrepreneurship by taking a collaborative approach within and outside EIT Urban Mobility, breaking silos across disciplines and geographies and all sides of the knowledge triangle.

The Education Capacity Building team works to generate the conditions for further training in urban mobility to become relevant by:

  • Raising awareness of urban mobility issues and careers among students, young professionals and public authorities;
  • Promoting innovation and entrepreneurial skills to nurture an environment where change is possible, and where a learning portfolio around urban mobility can become relevant and viable;
  • Building education infrastructure and collaboration frameworks where these are less developed, particularly in RIS countries;
  • Creating opportunities for increased market penetration and financial sustainability, notably through cross-KIC collaboration and knowledge triangle integration that allow for economies of scale and wider reach.

Discover how we are doing it

EIT Campus

The EIT Campus is an online portal that integrates the educational offer from all KICs, starting with professional education and expanding to the full portfolio from 2023. 

This one-stop shop or education marketplace offers diverse programmes in the world of innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship and technology. EIT Urban Mobility coordinates the EIT Campus initiative, bringing together all EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities, along with more than 200 partners. 

 Explore the EIT Campus platform!   

EIT HEI Initiative

The EIT’s HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education, is an EIT activity that involves all 8 EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) and which aims to help higher education institutions to become more innovative and entrepreneurial. The initiative provides institutions with expertise and coaching, access to the EIT innovation ecosystem -the largest in Europe-, and funding, enabling them to develop innovation action plans complementing the needs of individual higher education institutions.

The initiative supports consortia of higher education institutions, research institutions, public bodies at local, regional or national level, public or private enterprises, and associations representing higher education institutions, with the goal of supporting more than 500 HEIs by 2027.

EIT Urban Mobility currently supports the following consortia:

Call 1

Call 2

Call 3

Read more about the initiative here.

Start For Future

Start for Future is an open alliance of universities, start-ups, industry players and public organisations which serves as the leading initiative for systemic innovation in Europe. Today, Start for Future is a community made of 22 universities, 20 university incubators and is supported by two EIT KICs (EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Manufacturing) who provide mentorship, domain expertise and follow-up investment possibilities  

For university students, Start for Future is the ideal 11-month incubation program to turn their start-up idea into reality. The program is structure around three phases:  

  1. 1) LEARN: Universities perform a project and team-based entrepreneurship seminar based on a joint topic (urban mobility, manufacturing, health, food or sustainability). Teams of students are formed, and early-stage start-up ideas are developed at this stage. These teams can further develop their idea during the second stage: MATCH & START. 

  1. 2) MATCH & START: International talents and start-ups are matched with EIT experts and mentors for the further development of their start-up ideas. During eight weeks, teams are supported to move from an idea concept into an incubation ready business concept. 

  1. 3) DEVELOP & CO-CREATE: Selected teams choose and join an incubation programme from one of the Start for Future partner university. Teams then get access to regional ecosystems and co-creation partners to expand their business. 

In 2022, this program has trained more than two thousand students on innovation and entrepreneurship related skills and has supported more than 100 early-stage start-ups. Start for Future is the result of the collaboration of two HEI projects supported by EIT Urban Mobility: EUAcceL and Tandem+. EIT Urban Mobility provides domain experts who give insights into the latest trends and opportunities in the mobility sector to SFF students, and business coaches who act as mentors for the start ups supported by the program.   


More info about Start for Future can be found here and on the program´s website here. More info on three three stages can be found here 

Girls Go Circular

The Girls Go Circular project (GGC) is an initiative to promote digital and entrepreneurial skills for the circular economy among 14-19 year-old girls. In 2022 EIT Urban Mobility led the delivery of educational content for one module on a circular approach for sustainable mobility. In 2023 we will join forces with EIT Health to design a new module with Deep Tech content, to contribute to the Deep Tech Talent Initiative. We also participate in the Women and Girls in STEM Forum, an annual related event on gender equality in STEM education and careers. 


RIS Education

The Education Capacity Building team leads the strategic planning and delivery of education activities in RIS countries. This means we support the 12 EIT Urban Mobility’s RIS Hubs with their education priorities and we fund education activities in RIS countries via the RIS Education Call. We are currently funding the following education projects:  

  • Education Framework for Urban Resilience Innovation Activities (EUFORIA): bring together universities and innovation centres in Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, Portugal and Germany to empower entrepreneurial ecosystems by supporting students to come up with solutions to specific city challenges.  
  • PL&UA Summer School (Summer School and UM training courses for EU&UA participants) is a collaboration between Polish and Ukrainian universities and research institutes aiming at closing the knowledge gap and raising awareness about mobility solutions for people and goods. It is targeted at students, young specialists, and academics.  
  • TRAILS (Youth for Sustainable Mobility Inclusion) is a project ran by Cleantech Bulgaria and MCAST (Malta) to foster innovation in electromobility education. Its goal is to enable educators to develop new methodologies to teach students and professionals skills that are needed for the future of mobility.  
  • MICLC (Mobility Innovation and Climate Neutrality Course) is a collaboration between the Project Aegle Foundation (Malta) and Vefresh (Latvia) and aims at creating a course for public servants about efficient urban mobility product and service deployment to accelerate innovation time to market.   
  • TICER (Training for regulators to meet citizen expectations and city regulations) organized by Hungarian and Spanish consortium, it focuses on upskilling mobility entrepreneurs and city professionals in the I&E domain. 

New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus initiative calls on all of us to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. Beautiful are the places, practices, and experiences that are: 

  • Enriching, inspired by art and culture, responding to needs beyond functionality. 
  • Sustainable, in harmony with nature, the environment, and our planet. 
  • Inclusive, encouraging a dialogue across cultures, disciplines, genders and ages. 

The EIT Urban Mobility Education Capacity Building team has been involved in the design and delivery of New European Bauhaus-related courses: 

The Education Capacity Building team develops education activities to raise awareness of, and provide essential skills in, the area of urban mobility, innovation and entrepreneurship by building synergies with other KICs and breaking silos across, disciplines, geographies, and all sides of the knowledge triangle.

Contact us for more information!