
Closing the knowledge gap

Our Academy is a collaborative arena for lifelong learning, helping to build critical capabilities for innovation and transformation. We are training the next generation of urban mobility practitioners, needed by the urban mobility ecosystem of the future.

Our programmes are intersectoral, interdisciplinary, international and entrepreneurial.


We will close the urban mobility knowledge gap with challenge-based training using the latest education methodologies across disciplines and sectors. Our programmes meet a wide variety of needs, including at master and doctoral levels. We also provide a diverse portfolio of courses for working professionals. Our main vehicles are:

Master School

Our Master School offers a wide-ranging master’s degree in urban mobility and aims to train 500 graduates per year in partnership with ten universities. This EIT labelled challenge-based double degree programme (1st and 2nd year in a different university) includes extensive training in innovation and entrepreneurship. The Master School opened its doors in autumn 2020 starting with 4 universities and 2 tracks. The Master School also includes summer schools held in several European cities addressing critical urban mobility challenges.

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Doctoral Training Network

This is an innovation and entrepreneurship programme for doctoral students, as well as a way of building networks. The aim is to train 50 graduates per year. This programme bridges research and innovation and started in 2020. It includes an annual doctoral forum to facilitate networking within the urban mobility research community and to reach out to cities and industry.

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Competence Hub

The Competence Hub offers courses on hot topics in urban mobility for professionals in different sectors, such as project managers, engineers, city executives and entrepreneurs, co-created with our partners throughout Europe. This lifelong learning initiative uses a variety of formats including short videos hosted on a YouTube channel called Urban Mobility Explained (UMX), online courses, as well as applied learning programmes which bring together different learning methodologies and communities to overcome mobility challenges. By 2027, it aims to train 10,000 people per year and reach 500,000 people per year through its online learning content.

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Education Capacity Building

The Education Capacity Building team works to: Raise awareness of urban mobility issues and careers among students, young professionals and public authorities; Promote innovation and entrepreneurial skills to nurture an environment where change is possible, and where a learning portfolio around urban mobility can become relevant and viable; Build education infrastructure and collaboration frameworks where these are less developed, particularly in RIS countries; Create opportunities for increased market penetration and financial sustainability, notably through EIT Community collaboration and knowledge triangle integration that allow for economies of scale and wider reach.

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