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Jackery graduates from pioneer to sustainable master with latest launch

Jackery 2000 Plus used outdoors while camping

This content was produced in partnership with Jackery.

In 2012, at a critical time when sustainability efforts were ramping up everywhere, Jackery was born. The prevailing vision behind its creation was to provide accessible green energy to everyone. Years later, in 2016, Jackery launched the world’s first outdoor-friendly portable power stations, and soon after, introduced the world’s first portable solar panels. They would change many lives for the better but also transform an entire market that’s now dedicated to green, sustainable energy solutions. Today, over 11 years later, Jackery is still going strong, and getting ready to launch one of its most advanced products to date, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus.

Ideal for outdoor applications, portability, and emergency backup usage, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus delivers some incredible features that honor Jackery’s original mission — “to make green energy accessible anytime and anywhere”. More importantly, it offers safe and reliable power independence for all, thanks to a combined software and hardware defense system, which we’ll explore in more detail below, and industry-leading fast-charge technology to get you working, playing, or back in the game as quickly as possible.

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Advanced technology for a better anywhere experience

Jackery 2000 Plus powering a campground

Impressively, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is equipped with advanced IBC technology, allowing it to fully charge in just two hours all via solar power. In that time, it will charge from 0% capacity to 100% when connected to six SolarSaga 200W solar panels. That means, you don’t have to sit around waiting for nearly half a day or longer for the power station to charge, especially if you’re just making a quick pit stop. Instead, it will charge fast and reliably, and you can get right back to what you were doing beforehand, which is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, who are camping, living off-grid, or taking a road trip.

But since Jackery is all about going above and beyond, and delivering an exceptional experience, the true standout here is everything else that the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus offers with its 3,000-watts large output. For starters, that’s ample power to supply a small family for a day or more, but you can expand that capacity even further, up to 24 kilowatt-hours (12 kilowatt-hours in Europe) by merely adding battery packs — it supports up to five add-on battery packs at a time. Yes, that makes it more capable, but also highly modular and creates a much more portable system ideal for situations where you want lightweight solutions, like on road trips, outdoor camping, home emergencies, and more. You’re not dealing with hefty equipment and you can set it up quickly. Plus, you can expand at any time, to match your needs, or your family’s needs, no matter where you are. Need to plug in a small fridge and worried the solo generator will drain too fast? No problem, connect an add-on battery or several, and you’re good to go.

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus can sustain even heavy-duty and high-power devices, up to 6,000 watts in the U.S. (3,000 watts in Europe). Regardless of power output, it’s whisper quiet the whole time too, producing only 30 decibels of noise, and while it’s in a unique Quiet Charging Mode — accessible through the Jackery app — you’ll get library-level noise while it’s recharging too. It makes for a remarkably quiet system, charging or not, that won’t disturb you during the late hours of the evening, or early hours of the morning. You’ll sleep like a baby while it charges.

Jackery’s ChargeShield technology is what makes ultra-fast charging possible, but also ensures the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus will continue working even in extreme conditions — it will continue working fine at a high temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. ChargeShield utilizes an exclusive stepped variable-speed charging algorithm to boost the lifespan of the battery pack, by as much as 50%, but also to ensure safe recharging, regardless of speed or temperature. Because of the technology, the power station can be fully charged in about 5.5 hours through conventional means.

Improved protections and security

Family plugging devices into Jackery 2000 Plus
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Briefly mentioned above, Jackery’s combined software and hardware security defense system keeps the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus ready to go at all times, regardless of the conditions or concerns. What does that mean, exactly? Four major physical security protection systems provide comprehensive software support regarding security and safety and allow it to self-inspect potential issues. The inverter protection system and the solar charging module protection form the first layer of the physical protection mechanism. Meanwhile, the BMS protection system composes the second layer of physical protection, to ensure reliable and safe operation.

In total, there are 62 varying protections in place all combined to provide some of the most comprehensive protection and safety on the market. The software will conduct protection self-checks each time the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is started, and during operation, with an estimated average of one security self-check carried out per second, during use.

It knows what’s wrong and has ample protections in place to keep any devices plugged into it safe, and anyone around the battery safe, as well. That is certainly not something you’ll find offered by its lesser-known market competitors.

On top of all of this, Jackery’s add-on battery pack for the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is the first in the industry that can be charged completely via solar panels. That makes the entire system, and its modular components, much more flexible and adds a degree of convenience and speed that can save you lots of time. You can charge it all via solar, precisely from when and where you need to.

Jackery is making green energy accessible to everyone

Jackery RV Day with wheels
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Let’s jump back to Jackery’s primary mission, and its reason for existing, which is making green energy accessible to all. That is precisely what its products, like the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus, provide. It doesn’t matter whether you need green energy for your home, or as an emergency backup solution, whether you’re living off-grid, or whether you’re using it for activities like camping, off-grid road trips, or just powering some stuff in your backyard during a social get together, Jackery’s portable power stations are the perfect answer.

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus takes all of that and improves upon it. To use van living as an example, you want something lightweight, maneuverable, and modular. It’s all of that and more. At any time you can add batteries, up to five, to extend the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus’s capacity. Moreover, it’s lightweight and easy to stow, carry, or set up. Finally, it affords a ton of advanced protections, and that’s on top of a long list of intelligent features — like ultra-quiet charging that can be enabled from a mobile app. Vans are small and lots of noise can create distractions, especially if you’re trying to sleep so that quiet operation will be a boon. Above all, you can plug in some solar panels and you have a fully self-sustaining system that can be charged quickly, whenever you need to tap into power. It can handle high-power devices, including small appliances, and its base 24 kilowatt-hours capacity is plenty to last for a full day’s use, or longer in many cases.

Committed to a healthier, safer world

Jackery 2000 Plus powering lights during cards and outage
Image used with permission by copyright holder

While many brands claim to care about creating a healthier and safer world for all, their actions rarely match up with their promises. That’s not the case for Jackery, as they’ve stepped in on many occasions, to make a world of difference. Back in 2020, when the devastating wildfires were spreading all across California, Jackery’s resources and quick thinking helped improve the working lives of firefighters.

Stationed in a remote area, with very limited access to electricity, they were unable to charge their essential equipment, including communication devices. They found their existing power solutions quickly depleting, with no clear solution. This put their lives at great risk, and their operation, which would mean the fires rampantly spreading and potentially harming others.

Understanding the dire situation, Jackery stepped in to help, providing the firefighters with portable power stations — they were specifically designed for use during outdoor and emergencies, so they were up to the task. Equipped with high-capacity batteries and multiple charging ports, the power stations allowed the firefighters to charge their radios, phones, flashlights, and other necessary devices. This kept everyone in constant communication, as needed, and helped them maintain the equipment they needed, even without access to traditional grid-based power.

Not only does this story showcase Jackery’s commitment to a better world, but it also shows how their products can really come in handy in an emergency. It’s always best to be prepared. Whether it’s supporting first responders, like the firefighters in California, or allowing outdoor enthusiasts to stay connected during their adventures, Jackery continues to make a positive impact with its innovative and dependable energy solutions.

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Briley Kenney
Briley has been writing about consumer electronics and technology for over a decade. When he's not writing about deals for…
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