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The First Descendant is a solid shooter, but that might not be enough

A squad fires guns in The First Descendant.

It feels like it’s been a while since a game has truly shaken up the live-service “looter shooter” genre. Destiny and Warframe have been forces to be reckoned with for a decade, but few other attempts at the genre have had the same impact. Despite the fact that studios seem so eager to chase the trend, it’s a surprisingly stagnant genre.

That could change on July 2 with the release of The First Descendant. Well, maybe change is a strong word. Nexon’s latest doesn’t so much reinvent the looter shooter as it does peek over Destiny’s shoulder and brazenly copy its notes, right down to its enemy designs. It’s perhaps a little shameless, but is it fun? A demo I played at Summer Game Fest certainly kept me entertained with tight shooting and high-octane action. I’m just not sure that’ll be enough for it to break the mold right as Destiny 2 is at its peak. It’s an uphill battle for even the most polished shooter.

Breaking the mold

Before my hands-on demo, a long video presentation gave me a rundown of what to expect in The First Descendant. It was an exhaustive look at the game, including its characters, post-game activities, and more. I was immediately overwhelmed, but that’s how I’d feel if I got a rapid-fire rundown of Destiny 2 right now and I can navigate that game with ease. I’m sure The First Descendant will have clearer onboarding that makes it easy to jump into its various activities; that’s just a hard experience to demo in an hour.

Instead, I was thrown directly into the fire. After loading into a hub that looked quite a bit like Destiny 2‘s Tower, a developer put me in a dungeon for a mission full of enemies to shoot (I was supposed to try two dungeons during my demo, but a dead headset truncated my experience). I’ll give The First Descendant credit right off the bat: Its third-person shooting is about as fine-tuned as you could want. Within seconds, I was taking out hordes of enemies with precise, snappy shots. Dungeons throw dense packs of critters at players, which makes me feel like I’m cutting through a flood of zombies. Any critique I get into here ultimately may not matter much in the end.

A Descendant in a robot suit fires a gun in The First Descendant.

Its more-distinct quality is its titular Descendants, which bring a bit of the hero shooter genre to the co-op genre. We’ve seen that before in games like Outriders, but The First Descendant does go a bit deeper with its sizable cast of characters. For my demo, I chose the freshly announced Enzo, who came packed with some heavy fire power. One ability let me unleash a devastating shot that could burn down a powerful enemy’s health bar fast. I could also drop a turret, choosing exactly where I wanted to position it on the field. None of that is necessarily new, but I’m interested to see how deep the customization goes. I imagine it will make for some great co-op strategizing.

Those strong pillars will need to do a lot of work, because The First Descendant can feel derivative otherwise. As I pushed through the dungeon, I gunned down creatures that felt a lot like Destiny’s Hive and Cabal races. Small packs of weak creatures functioned like Thrall, while shield-wielding robots are almost identical to the Phalanx. The sci-fi aesthetic doesn’t help it beat the Destiny comparisons either; it felt like I was walking around the Cosmodrome as I traveled through caves and piles of decaying metal. Even the colorful ammo and health boxes that pop out of enemies feel lifted straight from Destiny.

Things would get a little more interesting when I’d face a bigger boss, who could rain shots down on me. I’d need to roll out of the way to dodge them, taking advantage of the third-person perspective. In its second phase, orbs would appear above it to grant it a shield. I’d need to take those out one by one to inflict damage. It was a tough fight that felt tuned for co-op; I can see where I could have some fun with my pals taking it down and reaping the spoils.

The question is: Is that enough? Based on what I’ve played, The First Descendant very much feels like an alternative to its peers rather than its own distinct thing. That might have worked in its favor last year when Destiny 2 hit a low point with Lightfall. Frustrated players may have moved on out of spite and been hooked by The First Descendant‘s rock-solid action. Now, it will launch in the shadow of the excellent Final Shape expansion, which currently has players occupied with a new drip feed of quests. Why abandon a game you’ve invested in at its height for a new, unproven game that looks just like it and is starting at zero?

A human fires a gun at an enemy in The First Descendant.

I don’t think that means that The First Descendant is doomed. On the contrary, the gameplay is tight, there’s strong co-op potential, and it feels a bit more international than its competitors. That could elevate it and turn it into a surprise hit. A free-to-play launch certainly won’t hurt either. It also feels like the kind of game that could hit its stride over time, mounting a Warframe-style arc in the long run. The foundation is there; it just needs to find its personality fast.

The First Descendant launches on July 2 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni is a writer and video producer focusing on happenings in the video game industry. He has contributed stories to…
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection contains first 2 Metal Gear games, Konami confirms
metal gear solid master collection extra games

Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 will contain two more games than expected, according to its PlayStation Store listing and a statement that the game's publisher, Konami, provided to Digital Trends. Those titles are the original Metal Gear and its follow-up, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

You might have missed the announcement of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 during the PlayStation Showcase. An image that appeared briefly following the Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's announcement confirmed the collection and revealed it would feature Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
The PlayStation Store listing goes into a lot more detail about what versions of what games are actually included in this collection. It confirms that Master Collection Vol. 1 will include the HD Collection versions of Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, in addition to a version of Metal Gear Solid that also features the VR and Special Missions, but it also states that the package includes the first two games in the Metal Gear series.
Digital Trends contacted Konami to affirm that this PlayStation Store listing was accurate, and a PR representative confirmed that "for the Collection, the PS Store listing is correct."
While Metal Gear Solid is when Hideo Kojima's stealth espionage series went mainstream, it actually began when Konami released Metal Gear on the MSX2 in Japan and Europe in 1987. This game, along with its 1990 Japan-only follow-up, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, are top-down stealth games where players infiltrate enemy bases as Solid Snake. These games laid the groundwork for the Metal Gear Solid series' lore, and they are still canon within the wider series. As such, it's great to see these games present in the collection, as they've only really ever been available as bonuses in rereleases of Metal Gear Solid 3.
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 launches this autumn. 

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I have one firm rule when working with writers on game reviews: Never say “The shooting feels good.”

It’s a small pet peeve that speaks to our wider approach to criticism at Digital Trends. We’re always trying to dig deeper than a surface-level book report in our game reviews, and a line like that is as hollow as they come. Shooting is one of those actions that has been fine-tuned so aggressively over gaming’s history that it’s frankly rare you find one where it doesn’t feel fun at the very least. It’s always our goal to go one step beyond a surface thought like that and think about how a strong gameplay hook functions in a game’s wider context.

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The Finals is the shake-up the competitive first-person shooter scene needs
A player stands up against a wall in a The Finals screenshot.

While I enjoy playing first-person shooters occasionally, it's a genre I've struggled to become a hardcore fan of. To me, it has stagnated, with recent Call of Duty and Battlefield games feeling like little more than rehashes of the same quick-kill-focused gameplay on maps that all blend together after a while. That's why The Finals' longer time-to-kill, unique match objectives, and focus on level destruction all feel like a breath of fresh air.
THE FINALS Closed Beta Trailer
Developed by Embark Studios, the new multiplayer shooter is a notable change of pace for a stagnating genre. Because it takes a lot of effort to defeat an opponent, and the map is continuously changing as you do so, no two matches feel quite the same. I can attest to that, as I recently went hands-on with it and had that exact experience. Lots of thrilling, emergent moments organically happened during each match, leading to some of the most memorable matches I've had playing a first-person shooter in years.
If you've always enjoyed destructible environments in your FPS games and enjoy inventive competitive shooters that aren't just trying to chase what is popular, then you'll want to check out The Finals.
Map mayhem
The Finals' primary mode, Extraction, is framed as a game show where four teams compete to earn the most money during a match. Players do this by locating vaults on a map, obtaining cash boxes, and delivering them to a cash-out station. Extra money is rewarded for kills and a team's total is halved if they are completely wiped. The basics of the FPS gameplay are approachable enough for anyone who has played a game in this genre before. That said, its longer time-to-kill also helps that mission and gives players time to appreciate just how reactive its world is.
In the Closed Beta preview build, I played on two maps based on Monaco and Seoul. Each contains points of interest connected by some indoor arenas and long outdoor corridors that you'd come to expect from an FPS map. But it only stays that way for a short time. As soon as explosives get involved, the map transforms as buildings crumble and the environment reacts to the players. It stays that way too, as developer Embark Studios' server-side technology tracks and accommodates any changes to the map.
Last year, the developers at Embark Studios told Digital Trends that they hope this technology would make other developers panic. While we don't think The Finals will go that far, it certainly handles destruction better than other games that have tried to boast similar strengths, like Crackdown 3 or Battlefield 2042. It's not only a neat technical feat, but it also opens up many organic situations you don't get in other FPS games.

For example, a building was crumbling as I retrieved a cash box and headed to a cash-out station. I was under fire, and an opponent's rocket completely destroyed the pathway to get me to the building my teammates were in. I knew I didn't want the team chasing me to get ahold of the cash box, so I sacrificed myself by throwing the vault across that gap to my teammate before proceeding to hold enemies off as they delivered it to a station.
Even the greenery reacts to the player, especially when they have a flamethrower or flame grenade. At one moment, the station my team was delivering to was out in the open in a park. Other teams were coming at us from all angles, so I threw several fire grenades, and my teammate used a flamethrower. Doing this, we set most of the park aflame, forcing our opponents into pathways where we could pick them off more easily. Floors can crumble beneath you, staircases that get you to objectives can be destroyed, and a lot of map mayhem helps define each match of The Finals.
Leaving your mark
The Finals' destruction creates some compelling dynamics, making the player feel like they are shaping the world that each match takes place in. Players can customize their characters with outfits and special loadouts ahead of matches, and some of these options allow them to set down jump pads and ziplines or use a grappling hook to improve mobility. Turrets, barriers, and mines are also equippable, which can be used to direct the flow of battle and herd opponents into certain sections of the map. One particularly memorable moment saw my team calling two elevators in Seoul, only to find that another team had put a turret in one and all of themselves in another.

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