Art Spotlight of GHD: October 27 2018

5 min read

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The-Gamer-Hardrive's avatar
Hey everyone :) Check out this selection of art from the group.

Red Dead Redemption II by shrimpy99
By shrimpy99

By Chiasm-a

Chibi Star Guardian LoL by JamilSC11
By JamilSC11

Saskia by TophWei
By TophWei

Don't be sorry... Be better! by EdAragao
By EdAragao

By TaissOnAir

Snow Villiers - FF XIII - I'm The One You Want! II by DashingTonyDrake
By DashingTonyDrake

By Vhetin1138

By TaissOnAir

By YunaAnn

Jaina Proudmoore from World of Warcraft by Dzikawa
By Dzikawa

Tira :nsfw optional: by Emerald--Weapon
By Emerald--Weapon

From Tifa with Love by Gareit0
By Gareit0

Halloween Etna :nsfw optional: by Emerald--Weapon
By Emerald--Weapon

Prestige KDA KAISA by JamilSC11
By JamilSC11

As always, thanks for stopping by. See you next time!
Journal by Antimatter-Radius. Follow me @JusticeSoulTuna
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DashingTonyDrake's avatar
Thank you for mentioning me!