Synfull on DeviantArt

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Make your own bday avatar



Sorry for the re-submit. My DD was swapped to another deviation and it looked stupid having a load of 'thanks for the DD' comments over the page, so decided to delete and re-submit.


A number of you have spotted that I have adapted my 10th bday avatar to add my own OC at the top, and have since asked permission to do the same. As both my Syn and fella versions have extra parts added i've made a base which will allow people to do this far easier.

There are 2 ways to do this depending on your animation program

1) Save the animated version to your computer
2) Download the zip file attached to get the 8 individual frames

**Feel free to use this to create a personalised avatar for your deviantART account without asking permission. However please do not claim it as your own work or upload it as an unchanged deviation. You can view my other free avatars on this page
© 2010 - 2024 Synfull
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