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nami64's avatar

theon and sansa reunion



[[ requested by an anonymous on tumblr ]]

okay, the first two episodes of the new season *SPOILERS ALERT* gave me, to my own surprise, many feels about these two.
i have always liked them separately, but they never really interacted together so their dynamic was not something appealing… and then BOOM!! episode 01 & 02 happened :)
as we already had two hugs and a goodbye, let’s imagine this third hug is for the first time they see each other after the separation *and unexpected but very welcome tenderness happens* (oh and Sansa being now Queen in The North of course!).
so i don't really know if i like them as a potential 'couple', but their scenes were really touching...

***************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT REPOST, OR LINK, ON TUMBLR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*******************

note: sorry if the physical appearances don't fit precisely the description in the books
media: piece of paper, pencil, photoshop
my tumblr:
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1424x4449px 7.68 MB
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bythepowerofgrayskul's avatar

C'est tres belle! J'adore