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DAMNIT, I GET THEM ALL THE TIME!!!! So I thought it terrible not to have an emote dedicated to that which every single one of us deviants (most likely) have happened upon. Stupid spelling msitaeks (:|)

So, yes, this one took a lot ó work. 313 frames altogether at an alarming fast frame rate most of the way! :O

I hope you like it, plenty of effort was spent on it and I think it's my best so far ^^... --; I just reeeeally hate typos (which occur often, in my case) and I'm sure I'll be using this emote plenty as time goes by! :shakefist:

I like the Keyboard typing movement, the emotions and how angry you can see the emote getting near the end XD. The computer's based on mwhat my monitor, chair, desk and keyboard look like. ^^; So I hope you can all make out what's what.

Enjoy and please comment :D
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50x39px 112.65 KB
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