axe DevTools® Extension

Test your web app for accessibility

Join over 400k users and try the axe DevTools browser extension for free. No credit card required.

An illustration of axe DevTools Browser Extension that depicts a webpage with content on it with the axe extension having run a test that found 37 accessibility issues.

Why use the axe DevTools browser extension?

Superior automated accessibility testing

It’s simple to use and won’t waste your time with inaccurate results. Instantly find accessibility bugs.

No accessibility training required

Easily fix your accessibility issues with in-product details and guidance. Axe DevTools does the heavy lifting.

AI-powered tools

Advanced testing tools powered by computer vision save you time and provide more accessibility coverage than any other tool.

(NEW) Easily test complex user flows

Record the entire customer journey in one scan—such as an e-commerce purchase on an application process—and create a single report with issues automatically deduplicated.

Screenshot of the welcome screen in the axe DevTools browser extension.

Go further with AI-powered tools

Answer simple questions about your page content and code in Intelligent Guided Tests (IGTs). Identify accessibility bugs that can’t be caught with automation alone.

Screenshot of the the Table Intelligent Guided Test in the axe DevTools browser extension.

Eliminate the noise

Only focus on the component you are working on by scanning part of your page. Find bugs within that specific component. Fix them with fewer code changes.

Screenshot of the the

Save progress, come back later

Share reports and issues with your team. Organize all your tests. Keep proof of testing.

Screenshot of the the

Export your issues

Import into your issue tracker as JSON, CSV, or JUnit XML. Collaborate with your team. Generate the reports managers need.

Screenshot of the the Export feature in the axe DevTools browser extension.

One-click and share

Share issues with teammates. Get everybody on the same URL with screenshots, issue details, and bug-fix help. Insert this permalink in the issue tracker.

Screenshot of the the

Who is the axe DevTools browser extension for?

  • Web developers

    Anyone on the development team can understand and pinpoint accessibility issues in the context of a fully rendered page.

  • Test engineers

    Seamlessly run accessibility testing as part of your regular build tests.

  • Development leaders

    Save time, money, and rework by incorporating seamless and consistent standards, rules, and testing across your organization.

Developers / QA – Get the documentation you need now!

If you’re looking for the facts on our products, look no further. We have all the details about how to use axe DevTools – and more.

Screenshot of the Deque Docs website homepage.