Product Recommendations

The right products for every shopper.

Product Recommendations consider a shopper’s overall browsing habits, and go beyond what was last viewed or best sellers to serve the best ads – translating to more engagement and more sales.

What is Product Recommendations?

User intent-based recommendations for more engagement

In-depth behavioral insights from our pool of 700m daily unique shoppers and their interactions with 4B+ products let you reach people with the right product, at the right moment based on their shopping intent.

The benefits of Product Recommendations

A powerful combination of AI and commerce data help you create more personalized, and relevant ads across display and video.

Improve shopping experiences for new and returning customers

Drive more revenue by guiding your shoppers with products they need and love, from product discovery to conversion and through repeat purchases.

Attract first time shoppers with contextual-based recommendations

Improve new shopper engagement with recommendations based on contextual signals and content being consumed.

Increase conversions and average order values

Inspire purchases by showing products a shopper hasn’t seen with “you may also like��� and “people also bought” recommendations.

Encourage repeat purchases

Drive higher lifetime value by up to 27% in repeat purchases using upsell and cross-sell based recommendations.

Drives sales across your full catalog

Increase sales of new arrivals, brands, or categories of products, pairing them with relevant messages for your audience.

Start growing your business today!

Find your best customers, engage them with the perfect ad, and meet your business goals. Criteo’s Commerce Media Platform helps you build ad campaigns that increase sales and grow your customer base.