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Visitors pose for photographs at the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Washington. ( AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
Visitors pose for photographs at the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Washington. ( AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

The recent decision by the Roberts Court to grant former President Donald Trump immunity on official acts has raised serious concerns about the future of democracy in the United States. This decision has far-reaching implications that could potentially undermine the rule of law and the principles of accountability that are fundamental to our democracy.

One of the most significant implications of this decision is the lack of accountability it provides to the executive branch. Without the possibility of legal recourse, the president and other government officials are free to act with impunity, knowing that they will not be held responsible for their actions. This could lead to a culture of corruption and abuse of power, where the ends justify the means and the rule of law is ignored.

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It would not be difficult to for a president like Trump to accuse a whistleblower of treason and thereby making it an official act to have them arrested, which could nullify their legal protection as a whistleblower making it impossible for those who report fraud, waste, or abuse of power to seek justice. This could lead to a culture of silence and fear, where individuals are reluctant to speak out against the government.

Furthermore, the decision effectively grants the president and other government officials’ immunity for any actions taken against citizens, including violations of their civil rights. This could lead to a surge in police brutality, voter suppression, and discrimination, as government officials directed by the president could possibly no longer be held accountable for their actions. The president could potentially break laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Americans with Disabilities Act without consequence.

The ruling also has significant implications for environmental and public health protections. The president and other government officials can now gut environmental and public health regulations without consequence, leading to a surge in pollution, toxic waste, and public health crises. The president could potentially break laws such as the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act without consequence.

Additionally, the decision could lead to a culture of corruption and self-dealing, as the president and other government officials could now accept bribes and engage in corrupt activities without consequence. This could lead to a surge in emoluments violations, as government officials use their positions for personal gain. The president could potentially break laws such as the Bribery Act, the Conflict-of-Interest Act, and the Ethics in Government Act without consequence.

The Chevron decision recently by the Supreme Court has added insult to injury by taking away discretion of important regulatory agencies rules putting them in the hands of Trump’s appointed judges that might undermine environmental, food and drug and other important regulations that protect Americans. In a major ruling in the Chevron case, the Supreme Court cut back sharply on the power of federal agencies to interpret the laws they administer and ruled that courts should rely on their own interpretation of ambiguous laws best understood by the agencies and not the courts. The decision will likely have far-reaching effects across the country, from environmental regulation to healthcare costs.

The impact on immigration and border control is also concerning. The ruling could allow the president and other government officials to engage in cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers without consequence, leading to a surge in human rights violations. The president could potentially break laws such as the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Refugee Act, and the Convention Against Torture without consequence.

Additionally, the Trump immunity decision could lead to a culture of corruption and self-dealing, as the president and other government officials could now accept bribes and engage in corrupt activities without consequence. This could lead to a surge in emoluments violations, as government officials use their positions for personal gain. The president could potentially break laws such as the Bribery Act, the Conflict-of-Interest Act, and the Ethics in Government Act without consequence. Trump has already allegedly tried to bribe the president of Ukraine by withholding military aide for their help in finding dirt on Joe Biden.

Furthermore, the decision could have significant implications for national security. The president and other government officials could engage in reckless and dangerous behavior without consequence, leading to a surge in national security risks. The president could potentially break laws such as the National Security Act, the Espionage Act, and the War Powers Resolution without consequence.

In conclusion, the recent court decision granting former President Donald Trump immunity on official acts is a threat to democracy and the rule of law. It could lead to a lack of accountability, a shift in the balance of power, and a chilling effect on the ability of individuals to seek justice. The implications are far-reaching and could have devastating consequences for the American people. We urge the legal community and all citizens who care about democracy to speak out against this decision and to work towards a future where accountability and the rule of law are upheld.

Steven Delco of Southport is president and CEO of Delco Advisors, LLC, and president of Survive Cancer, Inc.