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Common developer dilemmas

Couchbase is fast, flexible, highly scalable, easy to use, and can be fully managed as Couchbase Capella™ DBaaS. Here’s how we solve tough challenges:

What type of developer are you?

Let your application control its data

Your database should never force you to choose between SQL and JSON, key/value and search, or ACID and BASE. With Couchbase, you and your applications get seven integrated JSON-backed data services that don’t add any complexity to your architecture.

Get Started With Full Stack

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Explore NoSQL and Couchbase

We’ll keep you on track with Backend developer resources like database guides, whitepapers, webcasts, and demos.

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NoSQL Database Developer Guide

Why choose NoSQL? This guide helps developers compare NoSQL to relational and understand advantages of NoSQL.

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Bring offline support to your apps

Coding apps that roam and sync is hard. Capella App Services and Couchbase Lite are easy. They provide an embeddable mobile JSON database and automatically sync your data. You don't have to worry about conflict resolution or network availability – you just focus on shipping your app.

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Code without constraints

When you’re implementing business logic at scale, Couchbase eliminates complicated interactions by making all your data available from the same place. Backend developers can write code without having to integrate specialized solutions for scalability, consistency, acidity, and data models.

Start Building

Choose your SDK

Explore NoSQL and Couchbase

We’ll keep you on track with backend developer resources like database guides, whitepapers, webcasts, and demos.

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NoSQL Database Developer Guide

Why choose NoSQL? This guide helps developers compare NoSQL to relational and understand advantages of NoSQL.

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Reduce workload by using a single data platform

Why manage different databases for relational, document, search, and analytics when you can manage just one instead? Couchbase has only one type of node to install, observe, and scale. If you don't want to manage your database at all, choose Capella, and we’ll manage everything for you.

Start Deploying

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Why Couchbase?

Distributed database architecture

Inside Capella is Couchbase, the fast, feature-rich distributed NoSQL database that combines the flexibility of JSON documents with unmatched speed and scale in a modern cloud database platform.

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    Here’s everything you need to start building with Couchbase Capella.

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    Whether you’re managing Couchbase on premises, using CAO, using Couchbase Capella, or writing apps that use Couchbase, we have a certification for you.

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