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    Insect Repellent Buying Guide

    Insect Repellent Buying Guide

    Mosquitoes and ticks can spread dangerous diseases, including the West Nile virus, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis. Our insect repellent ratings identify which products work best against these bugs. (We currently don’t systematically test our products against ticks, but past test results indicate that repellents that work well against mosquitoes also tend to be effective against ticks.)

    Choosing the right repellent matters. Our top products provide almost a full day of protection, and some of our lowest-scoring ones fizzle out in less than an hour. So arm yourself with a high-performing repellent.

    How CR Tests Insect Repellents

    We begin our insect repellent tests by applying a standard dose to a measured area of skin on our test subjects’ arms. (The dose is determined by the Environmental Protection Agency’s product testing guidelines.)

    After 30 minutes, these brave volunteers place their arms into the first two of four cages of 200 disease-free mosquitoes for 5 minutes. Our testers watch closely to see what happens inside the cage, and they count every time a mosquito lands on a subject’s arm, uses its proboscis (its long mouth) to probe the skin in an attempt to find a capillary, or bites the subject’s arm and begins to feed—which the testers can tell by watching for the insect’s abdomen to turn from gray to red or brown.

    After 5 minutes, the subjects withdraw their arms, then repeat the process by placing their arms into a second pair of cages of disease-free mosquitoes of a different species, for another 5 minutes. The subjects then walk around for about 10 minutes to stimulate sweating. They do that to mimic real-world situations in which users might be active while wearing repellent.

    Half an hour later, this procedure is repeated and then again every hour after that until a repellent fails our test, or until 8 hours have passed since it was applied. We record a repellent’s failure after the first “confirmed mosquito bite”—meaning a bite that’s followed by another bite within the same 5-minute session or in the 5-minute session that immediately follows.

    Ingredient Info

    You might not think to read the label before buying an insect repellent. That’s a mistake, because the active ingredient and concentration matter for both effectiveness and safety.

    The top-performing products in our tests contained one of these three active ingredients: deet, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or picaridin. And all are safe when used as directed. Here’s what you need to know about active ingredients.



    Many people assume that the more deet (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) a product contains, the better. But our tests have found that there’s no need to use higher concentrations; products with 15 to 30 percent deet can provide long-lasting protection against mosquitoes and ticks. And some research suggests that the remote risks associated with deet, like rashes and even seizures, may occur when too much of the product is used. (See below for how to safely apply all repellents.)

    That’s why we say everyone should avoid repellents with more than 30 percent deet. At 30 percent and below, deet is safe during pregnancy and for children who are at least 2 months old. But it’s important not to go too low, either. In our tests, products with just 10 or 7 percent deet don’t work well.

    Insect Repellents Ratings


    This is a synthetic repellent modeled after a compound that occurs naturally in the black pepper plant. We recommend three 20 percent picaridin products and one 10 percent picaridin product, all sprays.

    But concentration matters. Another product, with just 5 percent picaridin, is one of our lowest-scoring insect repellents. And, at least when it comes to picaridin, the form seems to matter. Of two other picaridin products in our tests, we found that neither a 20 percent lotion nor a 20 percent wipe works as well as the 20 percent picaridin sprays. Finally, while picaridin is deemed safe, even for use on infants who are at least 2 months old and during pregnancy, it can irritate your skin and eyes, so you should use it carefully.

    Insect Repellents Ratings
    Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus

    Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus

    This is a refined version of a naturally occurring compound extracted from the lemon-scented gum tree. The main component of OLE that gives it its repellency is a chemical called p-Menthane-3,8-diol, or PMD. PMD can also be produced synthetically. Four products in our insect repellent ratings that contain 30 percent oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) do well in our tests.

    OLE also appears to be safe when used properly, though it can cause temporary eye injury. It can be used during pregnancy, but it’s not labeled for use on children younger than 3.

    Insect Repellents Ratings
    IR3535 and 2-Undecanone

    IR3535 and 2-Undecanone

    These active ingredients are included in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s list of recommended insect repellents. One product in our ratings containing IR3535 doesn’t earn our recommendation but provides middling protection. We don’t have any products with 2-undecanone in our ratings; none currently appear to be available on the market.

    IR3535 is a synthetic compound that’s structurally similar to a naturally occurring amino acid. And 2-undecanone is a synthesized version of a compound found in rue, wild tomatoes, and several other plants. Both products appear to be safe, but as with all repellents, they should be used with caution, especially on children.

    Insect Repellents Ratings

    The Buzz: Things to Think About

    Be Wary of ‘Natural’ Repellents
    Several makers of “natural” insect repellents (which typically contain essential plant oils such as cedar, citronella, clove, lemongrass, peppermint, or rosemary) claim that their products can help ward off mosquitoes, including those that carry the Zika virus. But our tests show that these active ingredients aren’t very effective, sometimes failing in our tests in under an hour.

    Don’t Use Combination Sunscreen-Insect Repellent Products
    We’re not fans of these combo products. Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours, which could overexpose you to the chemicals in repellents. 

    The Right Way to Apply Insect Repellents

    Proper application and use are essential, both for maximum protection and to avoid possible side effects, including skin or eye irritation. That means:

    • Apply repellent only to exposed skin or clothing (as directed on the product label). Never put it on under clothing.
    • Use just enough to cover and only for as long as needed. Heavier doses don’t work better and can increase risks.
    • With wipes, use enough of them to cover all exposed skin with repellent. Look for a clear shimmer of fluid on the skin after wiping, and avoid sharing the same wipe with someone else.
    • Don’t apply repellents over cuts, wounds, or irritated skin. When applying to your face, spray first on your hands, then rub it in, avoiding your eyes and mouth, and using sparingly around ears.
    • Don’t let young children apply insect repellent. Instead, put it on your own hands, then rub it on. Limit use on children’s hands because they often put them in their eyes and mouths.
    • Don’t use near food, and wash hands after application and before eating or drinking.
    • At the end of the day, wash treated skin with soap and water, and wash treated clothing in a separate wash before wearing again.
    • If you’re planning to use repellents on your clothes, note that many of the ones we have tested can damage leather and vinyl, and some of them stain synthetic fabrics. 

    Brands That Matter

    Marketed as a natural personal-care brand, All Terrain makes deet-free insect repellent under its Herbal Armor line. The brand’s prices tend to be in the middle range. It also offers repellents for kids.

    One of a group of brands under the parent company Tender Corp., Ben’s makes insect repellent using deet as the active ingredient. Prices are low to midrange.

    Known as a major brand for the outdoor lifestyle, Coleman makes insect repellents with and without deet. Prices tend to be on the lower end.

    Under the parent company Spectrum Brands, Cutter makes a wide variety of products for protection against insects. Some of its insect repellents contain deet. Prices tend to be in the low range. The brand also makes citronella candles, a backyard bug-control lantern, and a natural outdoor fogger.

    This brand makes pesticides based on natural ingredients. Its insect repellent is in the low range of prices.

    One of the leading insect repellent brands, Off offers a variety of insect-protection products, including a clip-on repellent, a mosquito coil, a mosquito lamp, and citronella candles. The brand makes insect repellent that’s deet-based and priced at the low end.

    Another leading insect-repellent brand from Spectrum, Repel makes both deet-free and deet-based products available in aerosol, pump spray, and lotion forms. Prices are in the low range.

    The brand makes a number of products for the outdoor lifestyle. It makes both deet-free and deet-based insect repellents, which tend to be in the low to middle price range.

    You can check out these other brands in our ratings: 3M, Avon, Babyganics, Buzz Away, California Baby, and Natrapel.

    Don't Bother Using These Insect Repellents