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    CR Digital Archive

    April 2017

    Cover Story

    America's Favorite Cars: SUVs
    SUVs have gone from being trucky, niche vehicles to the nation’s favorite car. Here’s why they’re outselling sedans.

    Special Section

    Self-Driving Cars: Driving Into the Future
    The promise of self-driving cars is that they will see better than humans, never get lost, and almost never crash. Easier said than done.

    With Autonomous Cars, How Safe Is Safe Enough?
    Manufacturers are pursuing their own distinct strategies for self-driving cars; meanwhile, who’s looking out for consumers?
    Car Technology: What Manufacturers Have in Store for Machine-Driven Vehicles
    A look at some of the plans, actions, and promises from auto, software, and technology companies. Will human drivers one day be rendered obsolete?
    Do Levels of Car Automation Matter?
    CR explains the commonly used SAE levels of vehicle automation—and why a simple question is more useful to today’s drivers

    Best & Worst Lists

    30 Best Used Cars for Under $30,000
    These cars, SUVs, and trucks performed well when new and have above-average reliability records


    When It Comes to Automatic Shifters, It's Proceed With Caution
    Shifters used to be familiar, intuitive, and generally safe. Now that carmakers are striving for stylistic differences, the results are sometimes confusing and potentially dangerous.

    10 Cars Worth Waiting For
    These intriguing new entries are coming soon
    Cars With Confusing or Dangerous Shifters
    These cars had points deducted from their Overall Score due to unintuitive gear selectors


    From Our President: Steering You Right
    Consumer Reports' extensive testing and research helps consumers choose the best vehicles and keep abreast of the latest tech: self-driving cars
    Rolling Back the Year
    Here are highlights of Consumer Reports' efforts and victories throughout this past year, as well as a review of its ongoing work on consumers' behalf
    Selling It
    Goofs, glitches, and gotchas spotted by our readers

    The April 2017 issue of Consumer Reports provides the latest ratings and reviews plus rigorous reporting on issues that impact consumers. Consumer Reports is one of the most trusted sources for information and advice on consumer products and services, with more than 7 million paying members.
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