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    How Often Do You Need to Change the Air Filter on Your Heating and Cooling Systems?

    A standing desk calendar and an HVAC filter. Photo Illustration: Lacey Browne/Consumer Reports, Getty Images

    Most disposable air filters last three to 12 months. Life span varies by model, but in general, the thicker the filter, the less often it needs changing. But the filter thickness you use is dictated by the type of heating and cooling system(s) you have.

    More on Heating, Cooling & Air

    The 5-inch-thick Lennox Healthy Climate CarbonClean 16 lasts about 12 months, while the 1-inch Filtrete MPR 1900 needs replacing every three months or so. You can also find washable filters, which last longer (some are claimed to last several years), but they need to be cleaned every month—and none of the models we’ve tested earned a CR recommendation.

    Before you replace a disposable air filter, check its condition. If it looks clean, it can be used a bit longer. But if it’s visibly dirty, it’s time to replace it.

    Find the Best Air Filters

    Check our air filter ratings and buying guide.

    Editor’s Note: A version of this article also appeared in the November/December 2023 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.