Parent and Kid Reviews on

My Lady Jane

My Lady Jane TV show poster: Jane in a close-up shot with her husband, her hand resting on his chin.
Our Review
age 16+

Based on 4 kid reviews

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age 17+

Too inappropriate for 14 and under. Adult content not for kids.

This ain’t TV-14. TV-14 consist of little language maybe one F word. This show has an F word in the first 5 minutes and continues to use the f word in unneeded places. Very sexual. Oral sex is suggested. Lots of CRUDE sexual acts between the kings sister Mary and the kinds right hand man. It’s inappropriate. I stopped watching because it was kind of foul. Not really sure why we needed this. 😣

This title has:

  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
1 person found this helpful.
age 17+

just saying…

never watched this btw but my sister has and she loved it. So why the one star review? Well, I am a HUGE fan of the book that the show is based off of, favorite book of all time basically… anyway, apparently they almost completely changed the storyline which is maddening even though I haven’t seen it. They even changed the name of the guy Jane married from Gifford ( which was the name in the book) to Guildford ( which is the name in the show) Like what was the purpose, couldn’t you have kept it the same? But whatever, not the biggest change. They also changed they changed things like how they meet and stuff, and the book was appropriate, no sex scenes or extreme swearing, the show according to my sister was not so appropriate. SOOOOOOOO….. what I wanna say is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the book!!!!! The books are always better than the shows or movies made from them and this is super true for this.

This title has:

  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
age 15+

Season 2 please?

My lady Jane (in my opinion) was a great show with a feminist twist to “damsel in distress” It was more Bridgerton esque than I had thought, but overall, I really enjoyed it and it is definitely one of those shows I will come back to. This show is kind of like an off centered romcom. I loved it, they definitely made it funny and cute and empowering all at the same time. 15+ because of mild cursing, sex scenes and violence. Highly recommend.

This title has:

  • Great role models
age 15+