How to Build a Small Solar Power System | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE Image: a solar panel with charge controller and lead-acid battery. Photo by Marie Verdeil. View original image View dithered image Readers have told me they like to build small-scale photovoltaic installations like those that power Low-tech Magazine’s website and office. However, they don’t know where to start and what components to buy. This guide…

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The destructive green fantasy of the bitcoin fanatics | Financial Times

Screenshot the from “Bitcoin Clean Energy Initiative Memorandum” You have probably heard it said that bitcoin is really bad for the environment. You might have heard it said that mining it — ie the computer processing that is required to produce new “coins” — is more energy-intensive than [insert increasingly large nation state]. It’s one…

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Protesting Climate Change, Young People Take to Streets in a Global Strike – The New York Times

Hundreds of thousands of young people around the world have taken to the streets on Friday to protest government inaction on the climate crisis.CreditCreditSydelle Willow Smith for The New York Times Sept. 20, 2019Updated 2:36 p.m. ET They are in open revolt. Anxious about their future on a hotter planet, angry at world leaders for…

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California can’t set higher auto emissions standards, Trump says – CNNPolitics

  “The Trump Administration is revoking California’s Federal Waiver on emissions in order to produce far less expensive cars for the consumer, while at the same time making the cars substantially SAFER,” Trump tweeted. The President made the announcement while visiting California for fundraisers. He was in his hotel in Los Angeles when he sent…

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