Things You Can’t Talk About in a Coca-Cola Ad – The Atlantic

When Daniel Joseph, a York University doctoral student studying labor and technology, found out about Coca-Cola’s GIF the Feeling promotion, he knew exactly what he wanted to make with it: a Coke-branded critique of capitalism. An accessory for Coke’s newly launched “Taste the Feeling” global ad campaign, GIF the Feeling is a website that allows…

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The Bizarre, Unsolved Mystery of ‘My Immortal’ — Vulture

No one knows who wrote this infamously bad, now-legendary <em>Harry Potter</em> fanfiction. Photo: Jed Egan and Photos: Warner Bros., Shutterstock Like Stonehenge or the works of Shakespeare, we’ll probably never know who was behind “My Immortal” — the massive Harry Potter–inspired text that is widely regarded as the worst piece of fanfiction ever written — but…

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The Secret Douglas Adams RPG People Have Been Playing for 15 Years

“While the producers and programmers work to find a way for us to play with their creations, we are busy building our own. The StarStruct Employee Forum is interactive fiction. We didn’t sit around and discuss what the game will be like or how we liked the book. We created characters, we put them on the ship, we invented storylines and conflicts, and we wrote a kind of story. It was often chaotic and frustrating, but it was (is) great.”

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Islamophobic Bus Ads In San Francisco Are Being Defaced With Kamala Khan

Well, this is just brilliant. Racist adverts promoting hatred against Muslims are currently being run on buses in San Francisco – but someone has started covering them up with anti-hatred messages from Marvel’s première Muslim superhero, Ms. Marvel. The adverts were purchased by the American branch of the Freedom Defence Initiative – who, here in…

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‘Selma’, ‘The Imitation Game’ And Rewriting The Past: Should We Expect More Accuracy When It Comes To Biopics? | Junkee

‘Selma’, ‘The Imitation Game’ And Rewriting The Past: Should We Expect More Accuracy When It Comes To Biopics? By Dave Crewe 19/1/15 end article header It’s fair to say that a lot of people were unhappy about the Oscar nominations announcement on Thursday. While nerds raged at The Lego Movie’s snubbing, the bulk of the…

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