Netflix gets its own Law & Order with Criminal

  TV ReviewsAll of our TV reviews in one convenient place.   Congratulations to Netflix: After over seven years of commissioning original series, it finally got around to creating its own Law & Order. This isn’t intended as a slam on its new international production, Criminal, but rather a compliment. The long-running NBC procedural didn’t run…

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Protesting Climate Change, Young People Take to Streets in a Global Strike – The New York Times

Hundreds of thousands of young people around the world have taken to the streets on Friday to protest government inaction on the climate crisis.CreditCreditSydelle Willow Smith for The New York Times Sept. 20, 2019Updated 2:36 p.m. ET They are in open revolt. Anxious about their future on a hotter planet, angry at world leaders for…

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How the Internet Archive is waging war on misinformation | Financial Times

Camilla Hodgson in San Francisco September 17, 2019 Print this page On a foggy September lunchtime in San Francisco, a group of researchers and data scientists sat around foldable plastic tables in what was once a Christian Science church, evangelising about open-source information and the democratisation of knowledge. The 50-strong party, which had been assembled…

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