You Can’t Get There From Here

The strong boy.Photo: Chip Somodevilla (Getty Images) “It’s not going to change a damn thing,” the President of the United States told an assemblage of news anchors at an off-the-record White House meeting some weeks ago. “But I’m still doing it.” To a certain extent, that groaning is just standard Trump shit—his signature all-caps triumphalism…

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Playable Ads Engage Users Beyond Gaming – eMarketer Trends, Forecasts & Statistics – eMarketer Trends, Forecasts & Statistics

Google’s AdMob launched playable ads for their gaming partners last May, and Facebook launched them in August. In both cases, the ads were mostly used by game developers, but playable ads have potential for other industries. “It’s leveraging the fact that users like to play games,” said Ari Brandt, executive vice president of strategic development…

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Gawker 2.0 Implodes as Its Only Reporters Quit

The new site’s only two full-time writers exited Wednesday in protest of editorial director Carson Griffith’s offensive remarks about everything from race to penis size.   Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast Gawker 2.0 is blowing up on the launchpad just two weeks after the site’s first group of new staffers came aboard. On Wednesday…

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Organizational Debt

We all know that classic aphorism: Year comes to an end, Rust blog post press send. This is mine. There are lots of cool technical improvements to Rust that I want the project to achieve this year, and a few in particular that I’m definitely going to be putting a lot of time into. But…

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