Opinion | The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult – The New York Times

CreditCreditMatt Chase “White men,” an obscure Australian academic named Charles Henry Pearson predicted in his 1893 book “National Life and Character: A Forecast,” would be “elbowed and hustled, and perhaps even thrust aside” by people they had long regarded as their inferiors — “black and yellow races.” China, in particular, would be a major threat….

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Destination Wedding Review

It would be interesting, if it were at all possible, to do a study to determine which era of romantic comedy had the best talkers. The odds-on favorite would probably be the screwball comedies of the ’30s and ’40s. But there would have to be some consideration for the ’90s, and all its frankness and…

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A Very Short Answer – Popula

— Fires around the world, in Greece, Sweden, the United States; floods followed by heatwave in Japan; record temperatures all over… And this summer’s events are just a taste of what’s coming, as scientists have told us. Everything’s been said on the topic. Yet the disaster is right there, unfolding. Can you explain, rationally, why…

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This is Google’s Titan security key | TechCrunch

Google isn’t one to shy away from bold claims. “We have had no reported or confirmed account takeovers since implementing security keys at Google,” a spokesperson told TechCrunch. And it’s probably true. Think of a security key as like a two-factor authentication code that’s sent to your phone — but instead a USB stick in your pocket….

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