West Virginians Want Reproductive Freedom & Health Care

West Virginians Want Reproductive Freedom & Health Care

September 13, 2023
Signatures: 522Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

West Virginians' reproductive freedom and our ability to make personal health care decisions have been taken away by state politicians in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade's overturn by the US Supreme Court. They are dragging us backwards.

Our people are hurting. Making abortion illegal in West Virginia contributes to poorer and unfair health outcomes, lower workforce participation and educational attainment. 

We may have different personal views on the issue of abortion, but we stand united in saying that the government doesn't belong in our private decisions about our health and lives.

Multiple states across the country, from 'red' to 'blue' to 'purple' have put the issue of abortion access on the ballot.

It's past time to give the people of West Virginia a voice.

West Virginians of all political stripes want to decide on this critical issue, from Republicans to Democrats, Libertarians, to Independents.

West Virginia lawmakers opposed to direct ballot access on this issue are playing politics with our people's health and lives. These same legislators have shown willingness to let voters decide on economic, educational, and, yes, church issues, as recently as 2022.

In 2018, many of these same politicians placed Amendment 1 on the ballot, which removed the right to abortion from West Virginia's Constitution. That amendment passed by 3 percentage points.

These are different times, and it is critical that our elected officials demonstrate the leadership to let the voters decide this issue in this vastly changed reproductive health landscape following the attack on our basic health and freedom.

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Signatures: 522Next Goal: 1,000
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