Let Taylor Swift perform/use HER art

Let Taylor Swift perform/use HER art

November 14, 2019
Petition to
Scott Borchetta, Scooter Braun, & the Carlyle Group
This petition made change with 130,860 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Jade Rossi

On Taylor Swift’s personal social pages, it has been made clear Scott Borchetta sold her work to Scooter Braun in a strange revenge tactic, and now they are quite literally holding HER artwork hostage. They refuse to let Taylor perform or use her music, the music she wrote, under any circumstances UNLESS she gives up the right to rerecord her old albums as well as stop using their names, which is gross and almost blackmail. Not allowing her to use her music in any projects is manipulative and power hungry, all over music SHE WROTE. Letting them get away with this will continue the disgusting sexism of the music industry as well manipulation of smaller/upcoming artists who just want to create art. Please sign this petition to show these cruel men as well as The Carlyle Group that we, as listeners and fans and consumers, will not stand for this. 


This petition made change with 130,860 supporters!

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