Protect Roe vs Wade!!

Protect Roe vs Wade!!

April 18, 2022
Signatures: 6,395Next Goal: 7,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Danielle Monroe

In 1970, a young woman by the name of Norma McCorvey (known as “Jane Roe” at the time to protect her identity) began a process to ensure all women had the right to privacy over their own bodies. She made her claim against the district attorney of Dallas County, Texas, Henry Wade. The process took several years thanks to state legislations around the country ruling the matter as unconstitutional; that the current health laws in place infringed on the Nineth and Fourteenth Amendments. It was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court ruled that, under the Constitution of the United States, a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction was a protected right (1973).
However, now this monumental case of bodily autonomy is in immediate danger.
In these last few months, Roe vs Wade has been overstepped by various state governments. These grievousinjustices should be stopped by the Federal government, but they haven't been. Instead, a woman’s right to privacy over her own body is in jeopardy and we need to act now!
We need to take a stand against the retrogression of Roe vs Wade. We need to stop these states who are abusing their power and passing laws that are unconstitutional, inequitable, and dangerous.
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Signatures: 6,395Next Goal: 7,500
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