The life of Iranian actor, Hossein Mohammadi, is in grave danger.

The life of Iranian actor, Hossein Mohammadi, is in grave danger.

December 16, 2022
Petition to
Mike Downey
This petition made change with 4,305 supporters!

Why this petition matters

The life of Iranian actor, Hossein Mohammadi, is in grave danger. 

Dear Mr. Downey and the acting community of the world,

After Mahsa Amini was murdered by the so-called "Morality" Police in Iran, the Iranian people have risen up against the oppressive Regime in a revolution led by women and young people. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran has responded with a deadly crackdown, killing over 500 unarmed protestors, including 60 children. They have also arrested and kidnapped thousands of protestors, activists, artists, and dissidents, tortured and raped many to force them to confess to crimes they did not commit. 


Despite these severe atrocities, starting December 8th, the Regime reached new levels of brutality when they executed 22-year-old Mohsen Shekari. Mohsen was sentenced to death for protesting without due process: he was not granted access to a lawyer or given a chance to appeal his death sentence. 

On December 11th, after another sham trial, they hanged another protestor, Majid Rahnavard. 

Sadly these two young men were not the only ones who received the death penalty.


One detained protestor on death row is Hossein Mohammadi, a 26-year-old theater and television actor who has always used his talents and skills to make a difference. Every Persian new year, Hossein would dress up and go to children's hospitals to bring smiles to those kids' faces. Protesting on the streets in pursuit of justice for Iranian women was the only choice for such a man of righteousness. 

Today, Hossein is facing the death penalty as the Regime's kangaroo courts have accused him of meaningless allegations such as: being an "enemy of God" and spreading "corruption on Earth."

We Iranians urge you to take prompt action to stop this clear violation of human rights; step forward to support the imprisoned actor by:

1- Publicly condemning the arrest of Hossein Mohammadi as a member of the acting community

2- Demanding the Iranian Regime revoke Hossein Mohammedi's death sentence

3- Assigning another actor, activist, or politician to become Hossein Mohammedi's political sponsor to advocate for him. The support of politicians and activists is essential. The attention drawn to political prisoners by elected officials provides innocent detainees with protection through publicity and media coverage. 


Thank you for your support. As we all know, "injustice to one is an injustice to all."

In Solidarity,

Iranian Independent Filmmakers Association (IIFMA)

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